Sunday, 24 October 2021

Living God's Future Now - w/c 24 October 2021


'Living God’s Future Now’ is our mini online festival of theology, ideas and practice.

We’ve developed this in response to the pandemic and our changing world. The church is changing too, and - as we improvise and experiment - we can learn and support each other.

This is 'Living God’s Future Now’ - talks, workshops and discussion - hosted by HeartEdge. Created to equip, encourage and energise churches - from leaders to volunteers and enquirers - at the heart and on the edge.

The online programme includes:
  • Regular weekly workshops: Sermon Preparation (Tuesdays) and Community of Practitioners (Wednesdays)
  • One-off workshops on topics relevant to lockdown such as ‘Growing online communities’ and ‘Grief, Loss & Remembering’
Find earlier Living God’s Future Now sessions at

Regular – Weekly
* Please note our Sermon Preparation Workshop is having a half-term break this week *

W/c 24 October 2021

The Dream for Our Planet: Monday 25 October 7.00pm-8.30pm, St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N4JJ. No subject could be more important than this. One week before COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, our Autumn Lecture Series addresses the question confronting the future of our entire planet and asks what is our dream for our planet and what we must do now? The lectures are both in person and live streamed and available at: Free tickets are available on the door and all are welcome to join us in the church and for a reception afterwards to meet the speakers.

Transforming Effectiveness:
Tuesday 26 October, 10:00-11:30, Zoom. Click here to register - Time to discuss the possible provision of new services for worshipping communities including HR, payroll, bookkeeping and administration. What can you expect from the workshop? We will be using the time to discuss the possible provision of new services for worshipping communities in the following areas. These have been identified from the initial research that took place with hundreds of lay and ordained leaders in the spring of 2021: HR Service; Payroll service; Bookkeeping and independent examination services; Church administration software; Knowledge hub – trying to bring various resources for church leaders into one home. This is a Church of England workshop, with members of HeartEdge.

Community of Practitioners: Wednesday 27 October, 16:00, Zoom. Join with church leaders (both lay and ordained) worldwide to reflect on theology and practice. Email for the link.

Making UK Connections: Voices of the Pacific: Thursday 28 October – 10:00 BST (9pm Pacific Time), zoom. Click here to register - A panel of faith and climate mitigation leaders including His Excellency The Most Rev. Dr Peter Loy Chong DD, Archbishop of Suva, discuss what pacific island communities most need from Cop26 and how communities of faith can connect anew to amplify the calls for urgent action.


Novices of the Melanesian Brotherhood - Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blong Mi.

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