Sunday, 10 October 2021

Living God's Future Now - w/c 10 October 2021

'Living God’s Future Now’ is our mini online festival of theology, ideas and practice.

We’ve developed this in response to the pandemic and our changing world. The church is changing too, and - as we improvise and experiment - we can learn and support each other.

This is 'Living God’s Future Now’ - talks, workshops and discussion - hosted by HeartEdge. Created to equip, encourage and energise churches - from leaders to volunteers and enquirers - at the heart and on the edge.

The online programme includes:
  • Regular weekly workshops: Sermon Preparation (Tuesdays) and Community of Practitioners (Wednesdays)
  • One-off workshops on topics relevant to lockdown such as ‘Growing online communities’ and ‘Grief, Loss & Remembering’
Find earlier Living God’s Future Now sessions at

Regular – Weekly

HeartEdge Youth Conversation: Vaccination
Sunday 10 October, 2pm BST / 3pm ZT.
Livestreamed on the Facebook page of the Cathedral of St Mary the Virgin, Johannesburg -
This Vaccine webinar will focus on various topics related to the COVID-19 vaccine, such as the importance of getting vaccinated, myths around the vaccine and access to the vaccine.


Biblical Studies class
Monday 11 October, 19:30-20:30 (GMT)
Register here -
This will be the final lecture in our series on the Gospel of John with Revd Dr Simon Woodman. Catch up on earlier lectures here -


Healing the Earth: Reconciling Mission
Tuesday 12 October, 14.00-15.00 (GMT)
Register here -
In the run-up to COP26, this discussion between Ali Angus, Alistair McKay, Alex Hilton and Rachel Mash will explore the role of Christians in addressing the climate crisis and healing the Earth.

Sam and Sally's Sermon Preparation Workshop
Tuesday 12 October, 16:30-17:30 (GMT)
Livestreamed on HeartEdge Facebook Page here-
Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner discuss preaching from the Revised Common Lectionary in the light of current events and general good practice.


Community of Practitioners
Wednesday 13 October, 16:00-17:00 (GMT)
Email Jonathan Evens at to take part.
This is open to all, including ordinands and lay leaders. Church leaders join in community, share and reflect together on their recent experiences in the form of wonderings with one of the HeartEdge team.

HeartEdge Commerce Day in Southend-on-Sea
In-person at Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend-on-Sea SS1 2QZ.
Wednesday 13 October, 10:00-15:30 (GMT)
Email Nicky Snoad at to book a place.
A day exploring creatively extending mission and generating finance through commerce, enterprise and hospitality. Open to all, lunch included.


Living God's Future Now: Brian McLaren in Conversation with Sam Wells
Thursday 14 October, 18:00-19:00 (GMT)
Register here -
Brian McLaren is a theologian and pastor who has written widely on ministry in a postmodern context and is a leading figure in the emerging church movement in the USA. This is the final event in a series of conversations between Sam Wells and leading theologians, exploring how we might build God's kingdom in the present.

Understanding Climate Change (Creation Care Week 2)
Thursday 14 October, 19:30-21:00 (GMT)
Register here -
In collaboration with The Diocese of Chester, HeartEdge, Melanesian Mission UK and Southampton University, this event will look at climate change, its drivers and impacts from a scientific perspective.


(Still) Calling from the Edge: Disability & Church Conference
Saturday 16 October, 10.00-16.30 (GMT)
Register here -
Join us for our 10th annual Disability & Church conference, hosted in partnership with Inclusive Church, exploring issues relating to disability and justice through workshops, liturgy, storytelling and conversation. Our aim is to make this space as accessible as possible — the day will be fully captioned and there will be BSL interpreters present; there will be plenty of breaks and you're free to drop in and out. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs when registering.

Coming up soon

Autumn Lecture Series – We Have a Dream | Online and at St Martin-in-the-Fields
27 September - 15 November
After the ravages of the pandemic, it’s time for church and society to learn to dream again. Dr Martin Luther King Jr, had a dream of racial equality and social justice. Inspired by his dream, we’re gathering a chorus of dreamers from different walks of life to inform and shape our dreams for the years to come.
These lectures will be live, in person, at St Martin-in-the-Fields, and will also be live-streamed online. There will be a chance for questions from the audience, and we hope to gather with the speakers afterwards at a reception.
The lecture series continues on Monday 18 October with a discussion between Chine McDonald, Robert Beckford and David Lammy MP on The Dream and Racialised Justice. Book a place in-person at St Martin-in-the-Fields or online here -
Tickets are free so that all may attend regardless of circumstances; if you would like to support the cost of our lecture series, you are welcome to give a donation.

Catch up with missed sessions...

Why not catch up with the lectures, workshops and conversation you've missed in the last 14 months or so? If you head over to one of the following platforms you will find a wealth of resources that will inspire and equip for your work, whether you are ordained, lay, or simply enquiring.

Facebook -

Youtube -

St Martin's Digital -


Telling Encounters: Path Through the Woods.

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