Saturday, 16 October 2021

ArtWay Visual Meditation: Look and Listen

My latest Visual Meditation for ArtWay focuses on 'Bless This Our Daily Bread' by Kenyan artist Sane Wadu:

'The very first painting that Wadu made in gouache on paper was Bless This Our Daily Bread in 1984. This depicts Christ blessing bread and fish, probably at the feeding of the five thousand, against the backdrop of a huge eye and ear which frame the central Christ figure. Jesus said to his disciples that the reason he spoke to them in parables was that ‘seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand.’ ... He then commended his disciples saying, ‘But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear’ (Matthew 13:13-16).

Sane Wadu experienced a similar lack of understanding in relation to his art from his local community and from gallerists when starting out as an artist. This work and his change of name are a challenge to look closer in order to see the transformation of idea into image that occurs within his work and which is paralleled by Christ’s blessing and sharing of the bread. Wadu’s art and his work through the Ngecha movement have provided support and sustenance to generations of artists in Nairobi. By doing so, he has practised throughout his career what he depicted in his very first painting..'

For more on Sane Wadu see my review for Artlyst of Michael Armitage:Paradise Edict.

My visual meditations include work by María Inés Aguirre, Giampaolo Babetto, Marian Bohusz-Szyszko, Alexander de Cadenet, Christopher Clack, Marlene Dumas, Terry Ffyffe, Jake Flood, Antoni Gaudi, Nicola Green, Maciej Hoffman, Lakwena Maciver, S. Billie Mandle, Giacomo Manzù, Michael Pendry, Maurice Novarina, Regan O'Callaghan, Ana Maria Pacheco, John Piper, Nicola Ravenscroft, Albert Servaes, Henry Shelton, Anna Sikorska, Jan Toorop and Edmund de Waal.

My Church of the Month reports include: All Saints Parish Church, Tudeley, Aylesford Priory, Canterbury Cathedral, Chapel of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Hem, Chelmsford Cathedral, Churches in Little Walsingham, Coventry Cathedral, Église de Saint-Paul à Grange-Canal, Eton College Chapel, Lumen, Metz Cathedral, Notre Dame du Léman, Notre-Dame de Toute Grâce, Plateau d’Assy,Romont, Sint Martinuskerk Latem, St Aidan of Lindisfarne, St Alban Romford, St. Andrew Bobola Polish RC Church, St. Margaret’s Church, Ditchling, and Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft, St Mary the Virgin, Downe, St Michael and All Angels Berwick and St Paul Goodmayes, as well as earlier reports of visits to sites associated with Marian Bohusz-Szyszko, Marc Chagall, Jean Cocteau, Antoni Gaudi and Henri Matisse.

Blogs for ArtWay include: Congruity and controversy: exploring issues for contemporary commissions;
Photographing Religious Practice; Spirituality and/in Modern Art; and The Spirituality of the Artist-Clown.

Interviews for ArtWay include: Sophie Hacker and Peter Koenig. I also interviewed ArtWay founder Marleen Hengelaar Rookmaaker for Artlyst.

I have reviewed: Art and the Church: A Fractious Embrace, Kempe: The Life, Art and Legacy of Charles Eamer Kempe, and Jazz, Blues, and Spirituals.

Other of my writings for ArtWay can be found here. My pieces for Church Times can be found here. Those for Artlyst are here and those for Art+Christianity are here. See also
Modern religious art: airbrushed from art history?


Ladysmith Black Mambazo - Unomathemba.

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