Friday, 9 July 2021

Living God's Future Now - w/c 11 July 2021

'Living God’s Future Now’ is our mini online festival of theology, ideas and practice.

We’ve developed this in response to the pandemic and our changing world. The church is changing too, and - as we improvise and experiment - we can learn and support each other.

This is 'Living God’s Future Now’ - talks, workshops and discussion - hosted by HeartEdge. Created to equip, encourage and energise churches - from leaders to volunteers and enquirers - at the heart and on the edge.

The focal event in ‘Living God’s Future Now’ is a monthly conversation where Sam Wells explores what it means to improvise on God’s kingdom with a leading theologian or practitioner.

The online programme includes:
  • Regular weekly workshops: Biblical Studies (Mondays fortnightly), Sermon Preparation (Tuesdays) and Community of Practitioners (Wednesdays)
  • One-off workshops on topics relevant to lockdown such as ‘Growing online communities’ and ‘Grief, Loss & Remembering’
  • Monthly HeartEdge dialogue featuring Sam Wells in conversation with a noted theologian or practitioner
Find earlier Living God’s Future Now sessions at

Regular – Weekly or Fortnightly

Tuesdays: Sermon Preparation Workshop, 16:30 (GMT), livestreamed at Please note there will be no Sermon Preparation workshop on Tuesday 6 April.

Wednesdays: Community of Practitioners workshop, 16:30 (GMT), Zoom meeting. Email to register.

Fortnightly on Mondays: Biblical Studies class, 19:30-21:00 (GMT), Zoom meeting. Register in advance: 2021 dates - Gospels & Acts.
  • 12 Jul: Lecture 13 Parables and The Kingdom of God
  • 26 Jul: Lecture 14 Parables and The Kingdom of God


Mission Support School – HeartEdge and St Augustine’s College of Theology
Monday 12 July- Friday 16 July
Register here.
If you have enjoyed the HeartEdge programming this last year and want to get a hands-on feel for how it works out in practice this summer school is for you. There will be mix of teaching and conversation with leading scholars and practitioners including Dupe Adefala, James Butler, Andrea Campanale, Revd Heather Cracknell, Professor Maggi Dawn, Revd Jonathan Evens, Rev Richard Frazer, Shannon Hopkins, Revd James Hughesdon, Zaza Lima, The Ven. Rosemarie Mallett, Professor Anthony Reddie, Dr Cathy Ross, Rachel Summers, Revd Dr Sam Wells, and Revd Erica Wooff, among others. There will also be a number of examples from American International Church, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, Forest Church, Notre Dame de France, Sacred Space Kingston, St Barnabas Ealing, St John’s Waterloo, St Martin-in-the-Fields, St Paul’s Marylebone, and The Table Southall, among others.


Biblical Studies class Zoom
Monday 12 July
Register here.
Lecture for all levels, with handouts and plenary session at the end. Lecture 13: Parables and The Kingdom of God.


Sermon Prep Sally Hitchiner and Sam Wells
Tuesday 13 July, 16:30 (GMT)
Live streamed on the HeartEdge Facebook page here.
Discussion of preaching and the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday with Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner.


Church-Related Community Work - Tactics, Ideas and Approaches
Wednesday 14 July, 15:30-17:00 (GMT)
Register here
What is church related community work, how is it vital for your church in a post-pandemic world - and how do you deepen your community work? For HeartEdge, church related community work is an essential part of Christian living - it's what we do! And church related community work is even more significant in a post-pandemic world. How do we deepen your community work? What are the skills and tactics - the approaches that deepen church in community? And what makes it so essential? Join a collective of experienced church-related community workers, for stories, ideas, tactics and encouragement.

Community of Practitioners
Wednesday 14 July, 16:00 (GMT)
Email Jonathan Evens at to take part.
This is open to all, including ordinands and lay leaders. Church leaders join in community, share and reflect together on their recent experiences in the form of wonderings with one of the HeartEdge team and book discussions.

Don't miss ...

New (G)race podcast with Azariah France-Williams, Winnie Varghese plus singer, songwriter, activist Samantha Lindo on faith, climate emergency & activism.

Singer and activist Sam Lindo joins Azariah and Winnie to talk God, race, and finding home. "I spent my whole school trying to minimise my difference..." This episode Sam talks connecting faith to activism, getting arrested and ending up in court. "I was asked to move, and I didn’t… I got to proclaim that truth… Speaking to power literally was the path my faith had led me on… " Stories and inspiration - including tips on cheeky, playful, non-violent resistance... and a song!

Listen at


The Weather Station - Precious Angel.

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