Sunday, 21 February 2021

Living God's Future Now - w/c 22nd February 2021

'Living God’s Future Now’ is the HeartEdge mini online festival of theology, ideas and practice.
We’ve developed this in response to the pandemic and our changing world. The church is changing too, and - as we improvise and experiment - we can learn and support each other.

This is 'Living God’s Future Now’ - talks, workshops and discussion - hosted by HeartEdge. Created to equip, encourage and energise churches - from leaders to volunteers and enquirers - at the heart and on the edge.

W/c 22nd February 2021


‘Church, LGBTI+ equality and the priesthood of all believers’
Monday 22nd February, 18:00 BST
Register here.
St Bride's Public Theology Lecture for LGBT+ History Month. Savitri Hensman will explore the concept of the church as a movement or community rather than collection of institutions and its members’ part in the shifts in attitudes and practice in church and society. LGBT+ History Month is a month-long annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual trans, and non-binary history, including the history of LGBT+ rights and related civil rights movements. In the United Kingdom it is celebrated in February each year, to coincide with the 2003 abolition of Section 28. This year's theme is Body, Mind and Spirit. Savi Hensman is an activist and writer based in London and was one of the founders of the London's Black Lesbian and Gay Centre. Savi is a regular contributor to Ekklesia, who published her first book "Sexuality, Struggle and Saintliness: Same-Sex Love and the Church". She has also written for The Guardian, The Church of England News, as well as writing poetry.

New Testament Bible Study with Simon Woodman
Monday 19:30-21:00 BST
Register here. Lecture - Gospels & Acts: Lecture 04 The Synoptic Problem. Lecture with handouts and plenary, with Simon Woodman, Minster of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church.


Creating a New Communion
Tuesday 110:00-11:30 BST
Book here.
Exploring how generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising call us into communion with God and with one another. Suitable for clergy and lay leaders. Inspired by Henri Nouwen and his wonderful book The Spirituality of Fundraising join this five-session free online study and discussion series, hosted by HeartEdge, and facilitated by the Dioceses of Hereford and York. Through Lent we’ll explore together Nouwen’s deep conviction that the ground of our common humanity and our life’s work is to accept the “call to be deeply, deeply connected with unconditional love, with our own fragile humanity, and with brothers and sisters everywhere.” What does this mean for you? For your ministry? For the church of today? For generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising? Pre-session reading of ‘The Spirituality of Fundraising’, by Henri Nouwen although not essential, is recommended.

Sermon Prep Sally Hitchiner and Sam Wells
Tuesday 16:30 -17:30 BST
Live streamed on the HeartEdge Facebook page here.
A live preaching workshop focusing on the forthcoming Sunday's lectionary readings in the light of current events and sharing of thoughts on approaches to the passages.


Community of Practitioners workshop
Wednesday 16:00-17:00 BST
Email Jonathan Evens here to take part. This is open to all, including ordinands and lay leaders.Church leaders join in community, share and reflect together on their recent experiences in the form of wonderings with one of HeartEdge team.


Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’
Sunday 28 February, 14:00 BST
Register here.

‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ helps people explore the Christian faith, using paintings and Biblical story as the starting points. The course uses fine art paintings in the National Gallery’s collection as a springboard for exploring questions of faith. 

HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation: Lenten Series 2021
Sunday 28 February, 15:00 BST (17:00 SA Time Zone)
Livestreamed here.
St Mary’s Cathedral has been in partnership with St Martin’s for many years and following various exchange visits, joined HeartEdge to further explore and engage on the opportunities presented by the global discussions HeartEdge enables around renewal using the 4 Cs. As part of the HeartEdge network St Mary’s plan to host the first ever HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation within Southern Africa during the 2021 Lenten season. These conversations and series of talks will explore deeper within the Southern African context, the church renewal opportunities presented by the 4 Cs. The series will draw from the theological wisdom of the HeartEdge Hub and theologians from within the province. Session 2 – Revd Jonathan Evens.

Don't Miss

Our New Podcast: (G)race
Listen to conversations on God and race - here. (G)race drops Friday 19th Feb with Azariah France-Williams and Winnie Varghese plus guest! A series of unapologetic conversations about God, faith, belief, ideas - and race, identity and experience. First episode with Broderick Greer.


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