Sunday, 28 February 2021

Living God's Future Now - March 2021

Here's the HeartEdge 'Living God's Future Now' programme for March 2021. Lots to engage with and enjoy!

'Living God’s Future Now’ is our mini online festival of theology, ideas and practice.

We’ve developed this in response to the pandemic and our changing world. The church is changing too, and - as we improvise and experiment - we can learn and support each other.

This is 'Living God’s Future Now’ - talks, workshops and discussion - hosted by HeartEdge. Created to equip, encourage and energise churches - from leaders to volunteers and enquirers - at the heart and on the edge.

The focal event in ‘Living God’s Future Now’ is a monthly conversation where Sam Wells explores what it means to improvise on God’s kingdom with a leading theologian or practitioner.

The online programme includes:
  • Regular weekly workshops: Biblical Studies (Mondays - fortnightly), Sermon Preparation (Tuesdays) and Community of Practitioners (Wednesdays)
  • One-off workshops on topics relevant to lockdown such as ‘Growing online communities’ and ‘Grief, Loss & Remembering’
  • Monthly HeartEdge dialogue featuring Sam Wells in conversation with a noted theologian or practitioner


Biblical Studies: Monday 1 March, 19:30-21:00 (GMT), zoom. Lecture 05 Form, Redaction & Literary Criticism. Simon Woodman's Biblical Studies class has returned in 2021 with a new focus - Gospels & Acts - and a new pattern - two per month (not quite fortnightly due to bank holidays / Easter etc). Register in advance at Simon grew up in Sevenoaks in Kent, and has degrees from Sheffield, Bristol and Cardiff Universities. He is Minister of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church in the West End of London and has previously been a market stall holder on Camden Market, a Baptist Minister in Bristol, a Tutor at South Wales Baptist College, and a lecturer at Cardiff University.

Creating a New Communion: Tuesday 2 March, 10:00-11:30 (GMT), zoom - Exploring how generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising call us into communion with God and with one another. Suitable for clergy and lay leaders. Inspired by Henri Nouwen and his wonderful book The Spirituality of Fundraising join this five-session free online study and discussion series, hosted by HeartEdge, and facilitated by the Dioceses of Hereford and York. Through Lent we’ll explore together Nouwen’s deep conviction that the ground of our common humanity and our life’s work is to accept the “call to be deeply, deeply connected with unconditional love, with our own fragile humanity, and with brothers and sisters everywhere.” What does this mean for you? For your ministry? For the church of today? For generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising? Pre-session reading of ‘The Spirituality of Fundraising’, by Henri Nouwen although not essential, is recommended.

Jesus-shaped People: Discipleship in and after Covid - Tuesday, 2 March 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 GMT. Register here for a zoom invitation - Jesus Shaped People - the missional movement on the margins - share stories and inspired ideas about discipleship at the edges. An opportunity to explore the reality, challenge and opportunity for discipleship across church and community. With an explanation of Jesus Shaped People approaches, space for discussion and debate and a focus on young people. Join a panel with stories to share - and bring your own ready to share.

For Such a Time as This: The Church as Witness - CEEP Network 2021 Annual Conference (March 3-5), HeartEdge is proud to partner the CEEP Network in their 2021 Digital Annual Conference. From COVID-19 to economic anxiety to the racial reckoning taking place across our Church, in our nation and around the world, we are witnessing change, challenge, and opportunity unlike any other time in our lives. In this historic and defining time, the CEEP Network is excited to announce we will gather on-line to bear witness together at the 2021 Annual Conference. Keynote conversation: Sam Wells & Azariah France-Williams; HeartEdge Gathering (led by Lorenzo Lebrija and Paige Fisher); and Virtual marketplace page.

Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’ - Sunday 7 March, 14:00 (GMT), zoom - ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ helps people explore the Christian faith, using paintings and Biblical story as the starting points. The course uses fine art paintings in the National Gallery’s collection as a spring board for exploring questions of faith. Session 3 - Giving Hospitality to Strangers - Luke 10: 25-42 and ‘Christ in the House of Martha and Mary’, Diego Velásquez, probably 1618, NG1375.

HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation: Lenten Series 2021 – Sunday 7 March, 5.00pm SA Time Zone, live stream via Youtube and other social media platforms- St Mary’s Cathedral has been in partnership with St Martin’s for many years and following various exchange visits, joined HeartEdge to further explore and engage on the opportunities presented by the global discussions HeartEdge enables around renewal using the 4 Cs. As part of the HeartEdge network St Mary’s plan to host the first ever HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation within Southern Africa during the 2021 Lenten season. These conversations and series of talks will explore deeper within the Southern African context, the church renewal opportunities presented by the 4 Cs. The series will draw from the theological wisdom of the HeartEdge Hub and theologians from within the province. Session 3 – Revd Cookie Makaba.

Creating a New Communion: Tuesday 9 March, 10:00-11:30 (GMT), zoom - Exploring how generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising call us into communion with God and with one another. Suitable for clergy and lay leaders. Inspired by Henri Nouwen and his wonderful book The Spirituality of Fundraising join this five-session free online study and discussion series, hosted by HeartEdge, and facilitated by the Dioceses of Hereford and York. Through Lent we’ll explore together Nouwen’s deep conviction that the ground of our common humanity and our life’s work is to accept the “call to be deeply, deeply connected with unconditional love, with our own fragile humanity, and with brothers and sisters everywhere.” What does this mean for you? For your ministry? For the church of today? For generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising? Pre-session reading of ‘The Spirituality of Fundraising’, by Henri Nouwen although not essential, is recommended.

Book launch: Sacred Pavement – Thursday 11 March, 14:00-15:30 (GMT), zoom. Register for a Zoom invite at We're coming up on a year of covid, and many of us feel like we've never left Lent. How do those of us who've spent the pandemic in urban contexts cope with the demands on our spiritual lives? Do we yearn ever more deeply for escape, or do we let our cities be our teachers? In this workshop, you're invited to join Erin Clark as she shares insights from her recent book, Sacred Pavement: a DIY guide to spirituality in the city. In conversation with Dumaeza Nhlapo and Meredith Gunderson, we'll explore some of the ways in which city-dwelling can be a spiritual practice in itself. Erin is a writer, a priest, a wayward theologian and an incurable optimist. Her work has been published in such places as Pilcrow & Dagger, Geez and Mash. She recently authored a chapter in The Book of Queer Prophets: 24 writers on sexuality and religion. She is currently Rector of St Matthew's Bethnal Green. Dumaeza Nhlapo is a Zulu Southern African, guise as a Londoner. He has dabbled in Youthwork (for over a decade), and led a church plant. He is an ordinand at St George-in-the-East in Shadwell, where he is discovering (to his surprise) just how much the catholic tradition has in common with African spirituality and Hip-Hop. Meredith Gunderson is a London-based yogi, curator, artist and mystic, who studies and teaches spiritual practices to bring us more fully into our authentic selves. She created online resource centre, The Modern Meditation Movement and collaboratively produces a podcast, The Vicar & The Mystic with her husband who is a Church of England Priest.

Living God's Future Now conversation: Jonathan Tran - Thursday 11 March, 18:00 (GMT), zoom - The focal event in 'Living God's future now' is a monthly conversation in which Sam Wells explores what it means to improvise on God’s kingdom with a leading theologian or practitioner. Earlier conversations were with Walter Brueggemann, John McKnight, Chine McDonald, +Rachel Treweek, Stanley Hauerwas, Barbara Brown Taylor, Kelly Brown Douglas, Steve Chalke, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, and Sarah Coakley. At 6.00 pm (GMT) on Thursday 11 March 2021, Sam Wells and Jonathan Tran will be in conversation to discuss how to improvise on the kingdom. Jonathan Tran, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology and George W. Baines Chair of Religion Baylor University. Originally from Southern California, he joined Baylor’s Religion Department in 2006 after completing his graduate studies in theology and ethics at Duke University. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses and his research examines the theological and political implications of human life in language.

Over the edge: A reflective process on change and transformation - Friday 12 March, 2-3.30pm, Zoom - Over the edge looks at what happens when we cross boundaries or borders. This Zoom-based reflective process looks at different aspects of change and transformation. The process is introductory, lasting 60-90 minutes, and is concerned with the concept of spiritual journeying. The session will focus on our own lives, but can in principle be applied to our Churches, community groups or other organisations to which we belong. The session is designed and led by Chris Bemrose. Chris is a trained Social Sculptor: using the arts, broadly defined, to bring about social, ecological and spiritual change. He is a former General Secretary of L’Arche International, building communities around the needs and gifts of people with learning disabilities. He is also a hospice visitor and former management consultant.

Me and my hero: Friday 12 March, 20:00–21:30 GMT), zoom. Registration: Secretariate Arminius Institute, Vera Kok,, Master Class. More information: Please register before March 5, 2021. The Remonstrant Church in the Netherlands, in cooperation with the HeartEdge network, the Centre for Contextual Biblical Interpretation and the Arminius Institute invite you to join this online live master class, around heroism and heroes from the past and in the present. What is the difference between a hero and a saint? Rev. Sally Hitchiner, Associate Vicar at St. Martin in the Fields. Sally Hitchiner looks at the differences between heroes in modern secular culture and saints in the Christian tradition. Reverend Sally Hitchiner is Associate Vicar for Ministry at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church in London, UK. Her role involves the reimagination of the local church in light of the Ecclesial Ethics tradition and she speaks regularly in the national media on issues of faith and secular culture. Heroes Made Strange Again - Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit, CCBI. This talk explores the hero of the Christian tradition par excellence, Jesus of Nazareth, from the perspective of queer approaches to the New Testament, arguing that when Jesus is ‘made strange’ again, he can be an even more fascinating hero, precisely because he eludes the grasp of clear-cut categories and ideals. Peter-Ben Smit is professor of Contextual Biblical Interpretation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’ - Sunday 14 March, 14:00 (GMT), zoom - ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ helps people explore the Christian faith, using paintings and Biblical story as the starting points. The course uses fine art paintings in the National Gallery’s collection as a spring board for exploring questions of faith. Session 4 - Standing Up for the Oppressed - Mark 11: 4-12 & 15-19 and ‘Christ driving the Traders from the Temple’, El Greco, about 1600, NG1457.

HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation: Lenten Series 2021 – Sunday 14 March, 5.00pm SA Time Zone, live stream via Youtube and other social media platforms- St Mary’s Cathedral has been in partnership with St Martin’s for many years and following various exchange visits, joined HeartEdge to further explore and engage on the opportunities presented by the global discussions HeartEdge enables around renewal using the 4 Cs. As part of the HeartEdge network St Mary’s plan to host the first ever HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation within Southern Africa during the 2021 Lenten season. These conversations and series of talks will explore deeper within the Southern African context, the church renewal opportunities presented by the 4 Cs. The series will draw from the theological wisdom of the HeartEdge Hub and theologians from within the province. Session 4 – Revd Dr Vicentia Kgabe.

Theology Group: Sunday 14 January, 18:00 (GMT), zoom - An opportunity to reflect theologically on issues of today and questions of forever with Sam Wells, who will be responding to questions from a chairperson from the congregation of St Martin-in-the-Fields who will also encourage your comments and questions.

Biblical Studies: Monday 15 March, 19:30-21:00 (GMT), zoom. Lecture 06 Form, Redaction & Literary Criticism. Simon Woodman's Biblical Studies class has returned in 2021 with a new focus - Gospels & Acts - and a new pattern - two per month (not quite fortnightly due to bank holidays / Easter etc). Register in advance at Simon grew up in Sevenoaks in Kent, and has degrees from Sheffield, Bristol and Cardiff Universities. He is Minister of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church in the West End of London and has previously been a market stall holder on Camden Market, a Baptist Minister in Bristol, a Tutor at South Wales Baptist College, and a lecturer at Cardiff University.

Creating a New Communion: Tuesday 16 March, 10:00-11:30 (GMT), zoom - Exploring how generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising call us into communion with God and with one another. Suitable for clergy and lay leaders. Inspired by Henri Nouwen and his wonderful book The Spirituality of Fundraising join this five-session free online study and discussion series, hosted by HeartEdge, and facilitated by the Dioceses of Hereford and York. Through Lent we’ll explore together Nouwen’s deep conviction that the ground of our common humanity and our life’s work is to accept the “call to be deeply, deeply connected with unconditional love, with our own fragile humanity, and with brothers and sisters everywhere.” What does this mean for you? For your ministry? For the church of today? For generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising? Pre-session reading of ‘The Spirituality of Fundraising’, by Henri Nouwen although not essential, is recommended.

Reconciling Mission (2): Being White – Taking Responsibility for Addressing White Privilege - Tuesday, 16 March, 14:00 (GMT), zoom - This webinar seeks to resource participants to hold conversations about race and white privilege inside the church. With Alastair McKay (facilitating), Executive Director; Reconciliation Initiatives, Ruth Harley, Ordinand at Queen’s Foundation Birmingham; Carey Haslam, freelance mediator and facilitator; and Rosemarie Davidson-Gotobed, National Minority Ethnic Vocations Officer for the Church of England.

Reset The Debt webinar: Thursday 18 March, 14:00-15:30pm, zoom - The number of people in severe problem debt has nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic, and the impact has hit the poorest in our communities hardest. Families who were stretching already tight budgets have been pushed into debt simply to makes ends meet during lockdown. Now, over 6 million households are behind with one or more of their household bills. Without action, families weighed down by debt because of Covid-19 might not be able to move forward from the pandemic. We are at risk of leaving whole communities behind, weighed down by the impact of debt brought on by Covid-19. This extraordinary situation needs an extraordinary response. That’s why The Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, the Baptist Union and the Church of Scotland, along with Church Action on Poverty, are calling on the UK Government to #ResetTheDebt. Inspired by the biblical principle of Jubilee, we believe there is a way forward from the pandemic where everyone can flourish. Join this workshop run in partnership with HeartEdge to explore: How the UK Government can #ResetTheDebt for families swept into debt by Covid-19. Why the biblical principle of Jubilee is the right place to start. How churches can speak with a distinctively Christian voice to call for change. If you wish to link to look at websites prior to the event, the details are: Reset The Debt: and JPIT:

Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’ - Sunday 21 March, 14:00 (GMT), zoom - ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ helps people explore the Christian faith, using paintings and Biblical story as the starting points. The course uses fine art paintings in the National Gallery’s collection as a spring board for exploring questions of faith. Session 5 - Carrying Another’s Load (Simon of Cyrene) - Luke 23:26-33 and ‘Christ carrying the Cross’, Italian, Venetian, about 1500, NG6655.

HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation: Lenten Series 2021 – Sunday 21 March, 5.00pm SA Time Zone, live stream via Youtube and other social media platforms- St Mary’s Cathedral has been in partnership with St Martin’s for many years and following various exchange visits, joined HeartEdge to further explore and engage on the opportunities presented by the global discussions HeartEdge enables around renewal using the 4 Cs. As part of the HeartEdge network St Mary’s plan to host the first ever HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation within Southern Africa during the 2021 Lenten season. These conversations and series of talks will explore deeper within the Southern African context, the church renewal opportunities presented by the 4 Cs. The series will draw from the theological wisdom of the HeartEdge Hub and theologians from within the province. Session 5 –Revd Maphelo Malgas.

Creating a New Communion: Tuesday 23 March, 10:00-11:30 (GMT), zoom - Exploring how generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising call us into communion with God and with one another. Suitable for clergy and lay leaders. Inspired by Henri Nouwen and his wonderful book The Spirituality of Fundraising join this five-session free online study and discussion series, hosted by HeartEdge, and facilitated by the Dioceses of Hereford and York. Through Lent we’ll explore together Nouwen’s deep conviction that the ground of our common humanity and our life’s work is to accept the “call to be deeply, deeply connected with unconditional love, with our own fragile humanity, and with brothers and sisters everywhere.” What does this mean for you? For your ministry? For the church of today? For generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising? Pre-session reading of ‘The Spirituality of Fundraising’, by Henri Nouwen although not essential, is recommended.

Through the heart: A reflective process on change and transformation - Friday 26 March, 2-3.30pm, Zoom - Through the heart uses the heart as a model for how transformation may work in our own lives. This Zoom-based reflective process looks at different aspects of change and transformation. The process is introductory, lasting 60-90 minutes, and is concerned with the concept of spiritual journeying. The session will focus on our own lives, but can in principle be applied to our Churches, community groups or other organisations to which we belong. The session is designed and led by Chris Bemrose. Chris is a trained Social Sculptor: using the arts, broadly defined, to bring about social, ecological and spiritual change. He is a former General Secretary of L’Arche International, building communities around the needs and gifts of people with learning disabilities. He is also a hospice visitor and former management consultant.

Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’ - Sunday 28 March, 14:00 (GMT), zoom - ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ helps people explore the Christian faith, using paintings and Biblical story as the starting points. The course uses fine art paintings in the National Gallery’s collection as a spring board for exploring questions of faith. Session 6 - Being a Neighbour to Those on the Road - Luke 24:25-35 and ‘The Supper at Emmaus’, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601, NG172.

HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation: Lenten Series 2021 – Sunday 28 March, 5.00pm SA Time Zone, live stream via Youtube and other social media platforms- St Mary’s Cathedral has been in partnership with St Martin’s for many years and following various exchange visits, joined HeartEdge to further explore and engage on the opportunities presented by the global discussions HeartEdge enables around renewal using the 4 Cs. As part of the HeartEdge network St Mary’s plan to host the first ever HeartEdge Enrichment Conversation within Southern Africa during the 2021 Lenten season. These conversations and series of talks will explore deeper within the Southern African context, the church renewal opportunities presented by the 4 Cs. The series will draw from the theological wisdom of the HeartEdge Hub and theologians from within the province. Session 6 – Revd Lorenzo Lebrija and Revd Tim Vreugdenhil.

See to join HeartEdge and for more information.

Are we missing something? Be in touch with your ideas for development.

Want to run an online workshop or series with HeartEdge? Don't keep it too yourself. Be in touch and let's plan.


Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir - Lovely Day.

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