Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Lent Courses: St Martin-in-the-Fields and HeartEdge

There are a wealth of options for Lent available through St Martin-in-the-Fields and HeartEdge:

Lent Study Course 2021 - St Martin-in-the-Fields

When I first read Stephen Verney’s book “Water into Wine” it changed the way I read this Gospel. He helped me to see for myself: “heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” Stephen Verney talks about his love affair with John’s Gospel that lasted all of his life and his book helps to enter into that love too- tasting the water which through Christ has become the best wine of all and to understand John’s Gospel in a new way.

This thoughtful, insightful and beautifully written book is the product of a life-time’s immersion in the Gospel; ‘Stephen Verney’s life was a stained-glass window through which St John’s Gospel Light flowed in abundance”.

Wednesdays 6.30 – 8.45pm (online)
17, 24 February, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 March
  • 17 February – Ash Wednesday: Come and See
  • 24 February – Water into Wine- An Introduction (John1-2.11)
  • 3 March- Born from Above (John 2.12-4.45)
  • 10 March- Healing (John 4.46-9)
  • 17 March- Freedom (John10-12.50)
  • 24 March- Transformative Love (John 13-17)
  • 31 March- Life through Death (John 18-20, 1.1-18)

Click here to book your place

Inspired to Follow: Who is my neighbour?

A course which journeys through Lent by exploring different dimensions of the question, ‘Who is my neighbour?’

Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’ – Sundays in Lent, 14:00 (GMT), Zoom meeting.

Register here to receive a zoom invitation - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inspired-to-follow-who-is-my-neighbour-tickets-133589749537.

‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ helps people explore the Christian faith, using paintings and Biblical story as the starting points. The course uses fine art paintings in the National Gallery’s collection as a spring board for exploring questions of faith.
  • Sunday 21 February: Session 1 - Being Waited on by Angel Neighbours
  • Sunday 28 February: Session 2 - Being a Neighbour to Those Close to Us
  • Sunday 7 March: Session 3 - Giving Hospitality to Strangers
  • Sunday 14 March: Session 4 - Standing Up for the Oppressed
  • Sunday 21 March: Session 5 - Carrying Another’s Load (Simon of Cyrene)
  • Sunday 28 March: Session 6 - Being a Neighbour to Those on the Road

Lent Course: Creating a New Communion

Lent 2021 at HeartEdge

Tuesdays @ 10.00am GMT for 90 minutes

23 February, 02 March, 09 March, 16 March, 23 March

Register for a zoom invite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lent-course-creating-a-new-communion-tickets-138238445913.

Creating a New Communion

Exploring how generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising call us into communion with God and with one another.

Suitably for clergy and lay leaders

Inspired by Henri Nouwen and his wonderful book The Spirituality of Fundraising join this five-session free online study and discussion series, hosted by HeartEdge, and facilitated by the Dioceses of Hereford and York.

Through Lent we’ll explore together Nouwen’s deep conviction that the ground of our common humanity and our life’s work is to accept the “call to be deeply, deeply connected with unconditional love, with our own fragile humanity, and with brothers and sisters everywhere.” What does this mean for you? For your ministry? For the church of today? For generosity, gratitude, giving and fundraising?

Here are the contributors:

Jo Beacroft Mitchell, Generous Giving Team Leader, Diocese of York – Having worked extensively with churches as they develop their mission and funding programmes, Through the course, Jo is keen to explore how the often necessary and challenging discussions around our practical needs as communities of faith, can in fact lead to transformative discussions about what we are ‘for’ as a church and what it means to live out an incarnational and practical faith in community with others.

Stewart Graham, is Director of Fundraising at The Archbishop of York Youth Trust. An experienced fundraiser in individual giving, legacies and donor relationships and partnerships, he focuses on changing cultures to inspire and engage people to fundraise and to look at how they can help change the world!

Richard Jones is Lead Parish Giving Adviser within the Diocese of Hereford. He is currently negotiating the challenges of emigration to the USA amidst politics and pandemic! He has previously served within two dioceses within the Church in Wales; altogether working with matters of generous giving and stewardship for eighteen years. He is passionate about resourcing the mission and ministry of the church, especially the rural church – which is fortunate as he now serves in the most rural diocese within all of the Church of England!

Mark Simmons is Parish Giving Adviser (Ministry Development) within the Diocese of Hereford and brings a wealth of experience from his many voluntary and paid roles including his role as Chair of the UK & Ireland board of the Community of the Cross of Nails. He is an experienced mediator and negotiator, he has worked mostly in peace building, international development, human rights, and educational leadership, notably in youth leadership programmes in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. He has spent the last two years training for local licensed ministry and is a serving Churchwarden at his local village church in rural Herefordshire.

Pre-session reading of ‘The Spirituality of Fundraising’, by Henri Nouwen although not essential, is recommended.


Water Into Wine Band - I Have Seen The Lord.

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