Sunday, 17 January 2021

Living God's Future Now - w/c 17/01/21

HeartEdge Living God's Future Now events this week - Church leaders, laypeople and enquirers welcome. 

A good start to the New Year...

Reconciling Mission: Joining in God’s Work - Monday 18 January, 16:00-17:30 GMT, Reg here. How might we understand Christian mission as joining in with God’s reconciling work in the world? What are the implications of such an understanding for how local churches approach their missional outreach to a local neighbourhood? And how might this understanding envision and re-energise lay people for sharing God’s good news in their community? Speakers: Alastair McKay, director, Reconciliation Initiatives; Tricia Hillas, Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, and trustee of Reconciliation Initiatives; Martin Anderson, vicar of Norton, Stockton-on Tees, Diocese of Durham; and Sarah Hills, vicar of Holy Island, Diocese of Newcastle (and former Canon for Reconciliation at Coventry Cathedral, and former trustee of RI).

The Church and the Clitoris: Monday 18 January, 18:00-19:30 GMT, Reg here. Drawing on some nineteenth-century claims about the clitoris, this lecture shows how science and religion may interact not just to ignore female sexuality but also to damage women’s bodies. A lecture and Q&A with Helen King, a member of the History Working Group of the Living in Love and Faith project. Part of the St Brides, Liverpool series of occasional lectures, with HeartEdge and the 'Living God's Future Now' festival of theology, ideas and practice.

Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 19 January, 16:30 (GMT), livestreamed at Discussion of preaching and the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday with Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner.

Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 20 January, 16:30 (GMT), Zoom meeting. Email to register. A gathering for church leaders, lay and ordained, with opportunities for reflection on experience and theology.


This week's highlight has to be the 9th ‘Living God’s Future Now’ - HeartEdge monthly dialogue, which was the platform for a life giving conversation between Sam Wells and The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry. Simple, passionate and real; with plenty of humour. Take a look here, you won't be disappointed.

See to join HeartEdge and for more information.

Over the next few months we are looking at everything from growing online congregations, rethinking enterprise and community action to doing diversity, deepening spirituality and responding to social need.

Are we missing something? Be in touch about your ideas for development and change.

Please note that invitations will be sent 24hrs, 12hrs, 1hr and 10 mins before an event, mostly to minimise the chance of misuse. Thank you.


Peter Case - Words In Red.

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