Friday, 18 December 2020

Church Times review - Edmund de Waal: Library of Exile

My latest review for Church Times is of Edmund de Waal's Library of Exile at the British Museum:

THE wisdom of the world is found in words and images and held in containers of space and containers of thought. Edmund de Waal’s Library of Exile gives us architecture, art, and literature combined in one habitable installation, where the inside and outside provide different responses to human learning and creativity ...

Outside this temporary structure, we see destruction recorded; inside, we view, review, and remember; and, when removed, the memories contained in covers will revitalise and renew the rebuilding of a restored thought container.

In the Psalms, in de Waal’s “Psalm”, in this library, in all libraries, we still ourselves and “navigate the space between the silence of things and the silence of people”.'

Other of my pieces for Church Times can be found here.


My Morning Jacket - Librarian.

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