Saturday, 12 December 2020

Artlyst: Cosmic Patches And Quilts - Five Exhibitions

My latest piece for Artlyst covers five exhibitions, all of which tap into aspects of spirituality and relate in some fashion to perceptions of heaven:

'The continuity of relationship expressed in the handing on of tradition and design at Gee’s Bend is also the focus of Emefiele’s paintings responding to the loss of her sister. Hers are paintings which suggest that although her sister may have left this earthly life as a physical presence, she remains even if no longer in a tangible form. Continuity of relationship is what Morgan reveals in paintings depicting her marriage to Christ that eternally fuse the human and divine. While for Pousette-Dart and dsh there is a cosmic patterning of which we are part and which sweeps us up in an eternal dance.'

My other Artlyst pieces are:




Gregory Porter - Revival.

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