Sunday, 15 November 2020

Living God's Future Now - w/c 15 November 2020

'Living God’s Future Now’ is the HeartEdge online festival of theology, ideas and practice.

We’re developing this in response to the pandemic and our changing world. The church is changing too, and - as we improvise and experiment - we can learn and support each other.

This is 'Living God’s Future Now’ - talks, workshops and discussion - hosted by HeartEdge. Created to equip, encourage and energise churches - from leaders to volunteers and enquirers - at the heart and on the edge.

Sunday 15 Nov
  • Theology Group: Sunday 15 November, 18:00 (GMT), zoom - register here. An opportunity to reflect theologically on issues of today and questions of forever with Sam Wells, who will be responding to questions from a member of the congregation of St Martin-in-the-Fields. That person will be Will de Renzy-Martin, who will be asking where in the present and future can enlightenment and misery be found. It will be your questions and comments that shape conversation too.

Monday 16 Nov
  • Fundraising Clinic: Monday 16 November, 14:00 – 15:30 GMT, zoom - register here. ‘Got a question about fundraising?’ Join us as we unpick some of the common challenges to raising money for churches and community groups and look at simple steps you can take to encourage generosity within your communities. We’ll be taking questions, sharing ideas and pointing you towards good practice to help you raise the money you need to change the world.
  • Being Interrupted: Reimagining the Church's Mission from the Outside, In – Monday 16 November, 16:30-18:00 (GMT), zoom meeting, register here. Explore an 'alternative economy' for the Church's life and mission, which begins with transformative encounters with neighbours and strangers at the edges of our churches, our neighbourhoods, and our imaginations. ‘What would the Roman centurian do …?’ sees Azariah France-Williams and Rachel Mann in conversation with Sharon Prentis, Ruth Harley and Al Barrett.
  • With love to guide us, nothing can divide us: Religious faith and LGBTI+ - Monday 16 November, 18:00 – 20:00 GMT, zoom - register here. With both a religious and general challenge to LGBTI+ people and even to their alliances, is conflict between religion and LGBTI+ people inevitable? A lecture and Q&A with Revd Dr Christina (Tina) Beardsley. Part of the St Brides, Liverpool series of occasional lectures, with HeartEdge and the 'Living God's Future Now' festival of theology, ideas and practice.

Wednesday 18 November
  • Restoring Relations: Reconciling Ourselves to God and One Another - 18 November, 20:00GMT, Zoom, register here. As Christians, our faith calls us to be agents of reconciliation - as hard as that might be given deep-seated and stridently held convictions. How do we act on this call? Join our panel for a candid discussion of what it means to be agents of reconciliation and how we go about this work. While answers are often elusive, our panel will explore avenues allowing us to restore civil discourse and engagement… and then move into the work of deep listening, understanding, and compromise. Panelists include: Steve Lawler, Alastair McKay, Chuck Robertson, Lia Dong Shimada, Josh Thomas, and Xolani Diwati.

Thursday 19 Nov
  • God in Exile: Interfaith perspectives on welcoming refugees - 19 November, 16:30-18:00 (GMT), zoom - register here. This is the first of a 4-part series that explores the themes of Migration, Theology and Community. In this interactive session, panelists Mohamed Omar, Yvonne Green, Julie Khovacs and Lia Shimada (chair) will share their insights into some theologies and practicalities of welcoming refugees – of welcoming God in Exile. Mapping Faith: Theologies of Migration and Community (published by Jessica Kingsley, 2020) brings together over 35 writers, poets, artists and practitioners, from primarily Jewish, Muslim and Christian backgrounds. Royalties from book sales will be donated to the Helen Bamber Foundation, with whom HeartEdge has a longstanding relationship.

Friday 20 Nov
  • Shut In, Shut Out, Shut Up: Friday 20 November, 16:30-18:00 (GMT), zoom meeting - register here. Since 2012 the Living Edge conferences have held space for disabled and neurodivergent people to gather, to resource each other and the church. In this HeartEdge series we'll share some of this experience, exploring issues and ideas across current practice and systemic barriers, outmoded belief and cutting edge thinking. Come and join the conversation with Fiona MacMillan, Naomi Lawson Jacobs and Krysia Waldock discussing Disability, social justice and the church.

Last Week's Highlight

The second online HeartEdge Introductory Morning took place on Thursday and was hosted by Revd Jonathan Rust - Director of Mission Development, Kensington Area. Over 50 churches came together to explore and share best practices across the 4 Cs of Commerce, Culture, Compassion and Congregation. This was helped by the input from Revd Dr Sam Wells that described where the church is and imagined where it could be going in light of Covid and BLM. Please have a look at his talk here.

See to join HeartEdge and for more information.

Over the next few months we are looking at everything from growing online congregations, rethinking enterprise and community action to doing diversity, deepening spirituality and responding to social need.

Are we missing something? Be in touch about your ideas for development and change.

Please note that invitations will be sent 24hrs, 12hrs, 1hr and 10 mins before an event, mostly to minimise the chance of misuse. Thank you.


Gillian Welch - Peace In The Valley.

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