Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Egbert Modderman & The Art Cafe

The Barn at Rockland Rectory, home of the former Burning Bush project, is a centre for Arts and creative Christian spirituality. Their virtual Art Café explores a different work of art, and talk about life, spirituality and all that intrigues and inspires. The Café takes place on Zoom, starting at 10.30am for an hour.

November sees two meetings packed with interest. They are delighted that their final November meeting will be a live conversation with award-winning Biblical artist Egbert Modderman. Egbert recently won the BP Young Artist award and will be joining the Art Cafe to discuss his role as a religious artist and share some of his works. A perfect way for Art Café to approach the season of Advent.
  • Nov 11th Portraits Old and New
  • Nov 25th Conversation with Egbert Modderman
Phone Nick Garrard, Bishop’s Officer for Christian Spirituality through the Creative Arts, on 01508 538014 or e-mail NickGarr39@aol.com for more information and the Zoom link.

Barn Owl is an email circulated by Nick with resources designed to help you investigate various forms of art as a means to reflect on aspects of Bible stories and our Christian faith. The current edition includes information about another creative HeartEdge partner, The Chapel in the Fields.

The Chapel in the Fields is a place of creativity, spirituality, hospitality, worship and a resource to the wider church. Close to urban south Manchester, Sinderland Green Methodist Chapel is a small church in the countryside which has recently undergone significant refurbishment in 2016. The result is 'space' that embraces the heritage of the building and brings out the best of the Chapel, its beauty and simplicity.

The Chapel in the Fields offers a safe space to church and non-church people alike and has become a safe place for Quiet Days, retreats, and a venue for visiting groups. Over the last three years we have welcomed people from a wide area to come and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

The refurbished Chapel also has a wood workshop where beautiful things are being made for sale. We also reach out to folk who have been referred to us to come and enjoy some time of making and creating, over a sense of well-being and therapeutic activity

The project is sponsored by the Manchester and Stockport Methodist District, and has the support of the North West districts through the regional chairs’ covenant relationship and of the North West Learning Network.

Since restrictions began, it has been unable to host quiet days or invite visitors to its wood workshop. Instead, the Chapel is sending out ‘postcards’ with visual images and Biblical reflections that you can find here - https://www.chapelinthefields.org.uk/postcards/X9l9wf1DHGo.


U2 - Gloria.

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