Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Voting Your Conscience: The Role of Faith and Values

Voting Your Conscience: The Role of Faith and Values - Wednesday 28 October, 19:00 GMT, zoom - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/voting-your-conscience-the-role-of-faith-and-values-tickets-125078018721?mc_cid=426b5f0aa1&mc_eid=22b185552c

Where you place your ‘X' when you vote is one of the most significant ways you make your mark on society. As we often hear from politicians and political prognosticators, elections have consequences. The question then is how do you choose where to put that ‘X’ on the ballot? And, as important a question is what part does your faith play in that decision? 

Knowing your vote is all the more important in our increasingly divided world, our panel will discuss how to bring our faith - our conscience - into the voting booth with us. We will ask Christians with experience in politics what factors they take into account in voting. Together, we will discuss how scripture, faith, church, and values play into our voting decisions? We may not agree on who should receive our vote, but for the sake of repairing our deep divides, understanding how faith and conscience influence voting can help. 

With Jan Cope, Provost - Washington National Cathedral; Robert Hendrickson - Rector, St. Phillip’s Tucson; Tricia Hillas, Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons; Kim Jackson of Church of the Common Ground in Atlanta and a candidate for the Georgia Senate; and Russell Rook, a founding partner of the Good Faith Partnership.


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