Saturday, 17 October 2020

Review: Faith in the City of London

My latest review for Church Times is of Niki Gorick’s book 'Faith in the City of London' and her open air exhibition currently in Paternoster Square, London EC4, from 3 October to 28 October, before transferring to Aldgate Square, Aldgate High Street, London EC3, for its run from 29 October to 26 November:

'Her images reveal that faith is alive and well in the City of London; just as is also the case across the UK. In essence, her project could be repeated within parishes up and down this country, as it is based on recording the many and varied forms of engagement between churches and their local communities ...

Gorick’s book and exhibition are valuable not just for the excellence of her imagery and the interest of the events recorded, but as a challenge to the way in which the Church communicates with the wider world through the media.

If the true breadth of its life and engagement were to be shared as Gorick has done for the City of London, then counteracting the common view of the Church, providing reminders that faith is an important part of life, and encouraging people to push open church doors and explore our spiritual nuances might all be seen and valued.'

Other of my pieces for Church Times can be found here.


Franz Liszt - Rapsodie.

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