Monday, 14 September 2020

Celebrating 90 years: Society of Catholic Artists

The Society of Catholic Artists is 90 years old and is celebrating with an excellent and substantive online exhibition. As the SCA and commission4mission had members in common and supported each others' initiatives, this exhibition includes work by a number of former members of commission4mission.
The SOCIETY OF CATHOLIC ARTISTS is for those engaged as professional or amateurs in the various disciplines of the Visual Arts, and for all those who recognize the value of the artist as an evangelist assisting in the pastoral work of the church.

Their membership includes painters, stone, wood and metal sculptors, architects, stained glass artists, potters and iconographers.

The SCA was founded in 1929 as part of the centenary celebrations for Catholic emancipation in Britain and was originally known as the Guild of Catholic Artists and Craftsmen.

Membership is open not only to practising Catholic artists but also to all Catholics interested in the visual arts and to those who support the aims of the society.

They have always aimed at raising the standard of religious art and encouraging Christian fellowship amongst artists as well as being available to advise prospective patrons and to recommend suitable artists for commissions. Members have been responsible for major artistic work for cathedrals and churches throughout Britain.

A varied programme of meetings and outings is arranged each year together with exhibitions and workshops. In addition, members receive the society’s magazine, the ‘Bulletin’, to which they are encouraged to contribute.


M Ward - For Beginners.

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