Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Freedom in our time

Tonight I led the Bread for the World service for St Martin-in-the-Fields with young people from St Mary's Cathedral, Johannesburg. This week's theme was 'Freedom in our time'. View the service at

We had planned to host a Youth Pilgrimage in Holy Week and Easter this year, with young people coming from the Cathedral of St Mary the Virgin in Johannesburg. The Pilgrimage has had to be postponed but the young people remain in contact with us contributing to our service on Pentecost Sunday and now to tonight’s Bread for the World.

The young people of St Mary’s Cathedral chose tonight’s theme of "Freedom in our time". They brought us our Bible reading, reflections, a poem, some of our music, and the wonderings for our Listening Groups after the service.

Plans for the Youth Pilgrimage represent a significant development in our partnership with the Cathedral presenting an opportunity to support the development of future leaders of the Cathedral’s community. The Pilgrimage will, we hope and pray, have a significant impact on the personal and spiritual development of the young people and, through them, on the mission and ministry of the Cathedral. We hope our plans can go ahead next year, possibly in Holy Week and at Easter.

In the meantime we have the opportunity to learn from the young people at the Cathedral as they share their thoughts and reflections on freedom in our time. Their longing to see justice, freedom and love in their society and their generation is truly inspiring.

Reports of my visit to Johannesburg to meet the young people can be found here.


The Soweto Gospel Choir - Ingoma.

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