Thursday, 9 July 2020

Artlyst: Has The Word 'Master' Reached Its Sell-By Date?

My latest piece for Artlyst is a thoughtpiece on the subject of our continued use of the word 'master' in relation to artists:

'Barbara Kruger said, ‘I work with pictures and words because they have the power to determine who we are and who we aren’t.’ Museums are increasingly and rightly reviewing their collections; the invisible collections of uncollected works as well as the visible collections of works previous generations deemed collectable. We are all the richer for the untold stories and little-seen works that have emerged from such reviews. We will benefit similarly by reviewing and subverting the assumptions that exist within the words and phrases used to describe the value of art if that process also enables those untold stories and little-seen works to be seen and heard.'

My other Artlyst pieces are:


Arcade Fire (featuring Mavis Staples) - I Give You Power.

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