Tuesday, 21 July 2020

A prayer for the easing of lockdown

God of being and doing, of waiting and renewal 
your Son's disciples locked themselves in the upper room after the crucifixion 
and responded in different ways and at different times to his resurrection return.
As Jesus responded to each individually, assuring each of his love and presence, 
may we know your presence with us now, 
each in our different places following the easing of lockdown.
For those now able to leave their homes, 
we pray for wisdom in their use of regained freedoms.
For those who continue shielding at home, 
we pray for a increased connection and community.
For those for whom isolation and restriction are ongoing reality, 
we pray their voices and experience will now be heard, understood and valued.
As community was found in our shared experience, 
so may unity be found as our experiences now diverge. 
And in our diversity, hold us together within the embrace of your love. 

With thanks to Fiona MacMillan for ideas and editing.


Arvo Pärt - Kanon Pokajanen: Prayer After the Canon.

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