Sunday, 14 June 2020

'How to Try', 'Growing online communities' & 'Faith in the future'

‘Living God’s Future Now’ describes a series of online seminars, discussions and presentations hosted by HeartEdge. They are designed to equip, encourage and energise church leaders, laypeople and enquirers alike, in areas such as preaching, growing a church, shifting online, deepening spirituality in a congregation and responding to social need.

‘How to Try’
17 and 18 June. 11am to 1pm (EST).

Design thinking is a process for creative problem-solving. Design thinking has a human-centered core. In other words, it encourages congregations to focus on the people they're serving, which leads to better experiences, ministries, and impact in our world. Harvard Business Review says that "design thinking works."

Learn and practice the core concepts of design thinking for a church setting from TryTank—the experimental lab for church growth and innovation.

They’ve designed this two-day workshop to give you a foundational, practical understanding of the essential design thinking skills and mindsets.

Register here:

Growing community online - Part 3:
Friday 19 June, 4.30pm (BST), livestreamed at the HeartEdge facebook page

Sally Hitchiner, Lorenzo Lebrija and Rachel Noel explore 'how to' build community online for churches.

Practical tips, stories, keeping in touch, sharing insights, finding support, promoting your services - via the mainstream press, and websites including 'ChurchNearYou' for the C-of-E, or across denominations Find a Church. With news of apps, websites and resources plus alternative approaches and structures. Watch the first two workshops at

Sally Hitchiner is Associate Vicar for Ministry at St Martin-in-the-Fields. Her work includes liturgical and organisational aspects of the church. She currently leads ministry to the dispersed congregation of St Martin's via a confidential online community space and pastoral care groups. Sally set up an online Christian community as a university chaplain and founded the Diverse Church initiative with over 1000 participants across the UK. Diverse Church grew from one community to a community planting organisation, launching a new community of 60-100 Christians across the UK and Ireland each year.

Rev Rachel Noël, known locally as the Pink Vicar, Priest in Charge of Pennington Church, a HeartEdge church in the Diocese of Winchester, an estate church on the coast of the New Forest. Creative, artist, priest, contemplative, neurodiverse, leading a church that is flourishing online this season, and engaging deeply with the local community including through a large community yarn bomb of the Easter Story on the churchyard hedge.

Fr. Lorenzo Lebrija is founding director of the TryTank, the experimental Lab for church growth and innovation. He is responsible for the entire process of development and implementation of experiments for innovation in the church. (It's a staff of 1, so don't be that impressed!) Prior to launching TryTank, Lorenzo was the Chief Development Officer for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. He served as the Pastor on behalf of the Bishop at St. John's Episcopal Church in San Bernardino, CA, and as priest associate at St. Athanasius Episcopal Church at the Cathedral Centre of St. Paul in Los Angeles.

Faith in the future - Friday, June 19, 2020, 3:00 p.m. ET (8.00 p.m. BST)
Pay what you can (see link for details)
Register at

What is the church of the future? Will church—as we know it—even exist? 

Author and noted futurist Bob Johansen, a distinguished fellow with the Institute for the Future, will join Dr. Lisa Kimball, the Associate Dean of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary to look at current trends, beyond those trends, possible disruptions, and why a new way of thinking is required for leaders of the church. 

Rather than a fearful future, we should embrace it as an opportunity for new spectrums of meaning-making. It’ll be a fascinating, yet practical, conversation where your questions will also be considered.


C.O.B. - Chain Of Love.

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