Sunday, 14 June 2020

Artlyst: 'Your Space or Mine' and 'The Spiritual Exercises'

My latest article for Artlyst explores two initiatives - an online exhibition 'The Spiritual Exercises' and a series of billboards by Micah Purnell - that were inspired by our early experiences in lockdown.

'There was a moment, writes Mark Dean, Chaplain & Interfaith Adviser to University of Arts London, corresponding to, but not defined by the lockdown, ‘we were collectively living in a way that at least intended to put the needs of the most vulnerable first’ ...

It was during this moment that Dean’s ‘The Spiritual Exercises’ project took place with around a hundred artists responding to an open call resulting in an online exhibition that mediates memory and longing via the parameters of the present.

The moment about which Dean wrote has also been noticed by creative consultant and practitioner Micah Purnell, who has taken a lead ‘from Jack Arts wonderful ‘Community is Kindness’ billboard campaign.’ Covid-19, he suggests, ‘has exposed beauty in dark times for every day.’ ‘Community has become localised due to the lockdown,’ he notes, and ‘we’ve reached out to our immediate neighbours and they have willingly obliged with outstretched arms.’
My other Artlyst pieces are:



Michael Kiwanuka - Solid Ground.

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