Sunday, 10 May 2020

Living God's Future Now

Living God's Future Now

‘Living God’s Future Now’ describes a series of online seminars, discussions and presentations hosted by HeartEdge. They are designed to equip, encourage and energise church leaders, laypeople and enquirers alike, in areas such as preaching, growing a church, shifting online, deepening spirituality in a congregation and responding to social need.

The focal event in ‘Living God’s Future Now’ is a monthly conversation in which Sam Wells explores what it means to improvise on God’s kingdom with a leading theologian or practitioner.

The first of these conversations will be at 6.00 pm on Thursday 14 May with Walter Brueggemann. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at

Walter Brueggemann is one of the most influential Bible interpreters of our time. He is the author of over one hundred books and numerous scholarly articles. Sam has described Walter as 'a master exegete, a master theologian, and a master preacher.' 'Truth & Hope', Walter’s most recent book, is subtitled 'Essays for a Perilous Age'.

Living God’s Future Now: Programme for May 2020
  • ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’: Sunday, 10 May, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - This course uses fine art paintings that can be found in the collection of the National Gallery as a spring board for deepening one’s Christian faith and exploring what it means to follow Jesus today. Topic: Moses & the Law – Exodus 32 / ‘The Worship of the Egyptian Bull God, Apis’, Follower of Filippino Lippi. To receive a zoom invite email Jonathan Evens at
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 11 May, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting Join Simon Woodman for a lecture looking at the New Testament Epistles followed by discussion, with handouts. Register in advance at…/tZ0rc-msqD8sEtE7n_X9u17Jl6R5Cvzjj….
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 12 May, 4.30pm, livestreamed at - Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner discuss
  • the forthcoming Sunday's lectionary readings in the light of current events and share thoughts on approaches to the passages.
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 12 May, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting - An opportunity for ministers and other leaders of HeartEdge churches to meet together to reflect on issues relating to congregational renewal through commerce, culture and compassion. Join HeartEdge at and email for an invitation.
  • How to build online communities: Thursday 14 May, 4.30pm - Sally Hitchiner, Adrian Harris and Lorenzo Lebrija share stories of establishing and supporting online communities for churches. Livestreamed at
  • ‘Living God’s Future Now: HeartEdge monthly dialogue’: Thursday 14 May, 6.00pm, Zoom meeting. Sam Wells in dialogue with Walter Brueggemann. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Grief, Loss and Remembering: Friday 15 May, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting - Carla Grosch-Miller, Joe Moffat, Philippa Smethurst and Kate Woodman discuss death and bereavement with Catherine Duce. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’: Sunday, 17 May, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Topic: The Exile / The Psalms – Psalm 137 / ‘Beach Scene’, Gustave Courbet.
  • Theology Group: Sunday 17 May, 6.00pm, Zoom meeting - Sam Wells will respond to questions and reflections on a theological question devised by the Chair. Chaired by a member of St Martin-in-the-Fields. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Nazareth Community: Monday 18 May, 3.00-4.30 pm - The workshop will be led by Revd Richard Carter and Revd Catherine Duce, and is an opportunity to learn about the life of the community, and to consider how it could be applied in your own contexts. The session will include: An introduction to the Nazareth Community’s simple way of life; Prayer & silence; A shared lectio divina; Q&A; and time for your own reflections. To receive a Zoom invitation please email:
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 18 May, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 19 May, 4.30pm, livestreamed at
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 20 May, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Church and Commerce - Relationships, Resilience and Recovery: Thursday 21 May, 10.30am – Georgina Graham, James Hughesdon and Sarah Rogers discuss the possibilities and pitfalls of using church buildings commercially. Livestreamed at
  • ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’: Sunday, 24 May, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Topic: The Prophets – 1 Kings 19 / ‘Landscape with Elijah and Angel’ Gaspard Dughet.
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 25 May, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 26 May, 4.30pm, livestreamed at
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 27 May, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting.

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