Friday, 29 May 2020

Living God's Future Now - June 2020

‘Living God’s Future Now’ describes a series of online seminars, discussions and presentations hosted by HeartEdge. They are designed to equip, encourage and energise church leaders, laypeople and enquirers alike, in areas such as preaching, growing a church, shifting online, deepening spirituality in a congregation and responding to social need. 

The focal event in ‘Living God’s Future Now’ is a monthly conversation in which Sam Wells explores what it means to improvise on God’s kingdom with a leading theologian or practitioner.

The online programme includes:
  • Regular weekly workshops: Biblical Studies (Mondays), Sermon Preparation (Tuesdays) and Community of Practitioners (Wednesdays)
  • One-off workshops on topics relevant to lockdown such as ‘Growing online communities’ and ‘Grief, Loss & Remembering’
  • Monthly HeartEdge dialogue featuring Sam Wells in conversation with a noted theologian or practitioner
June 2020
Look out for videos on the HeartEdge facebook page from Georgina Graham, James Hughesdon and Sarah Rogers that will provide top tips on church and commerce - relationships, recovery and resilience.
  • Art & Religion - Imaging the Invisible: Monday 1 June, 4.30pm, HeartEdge facebook page. Jonathan Evens interviews Sophie Hacker, an artist who specialises in Church Art, including stained glass windows, silver, textiles, sculpture and re-ordering liturgical space. She is also Arts and Exhibitions Consultant for Winchester Cathedral, with particular responsibility for curating. View at
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 1 June, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Join Simon Woodman for a lecture looking at the New Testament Epistles followed by discussion, with handouts. Register in advance at
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 2 June, 4.30pm - Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner discuss the forthcoming Sunday's lectionary readings in the light of current events and share thoughts on approaches to the passages. Livestreamed at
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 3 June, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting - An opportunity for ministers and other leaders of HeartEdge churches to meet together to reflect on issues relating to congregational renewal through commerce, culture and compassion. Join HeartEdge at and email for an invitation.
  • Wellbeing Group: Thursday 4 June, 2.00 – 3.00 pm, zoom meeting. The HeartEdge Wellbeing Group is a reflective group providing opportunities to share thoughts and feelings as ongoing support in these unusual times. The group facilitator will be Kate Woodhouse. Join the group at For this group, HeartEdge offers a two-tier ticket option (£30 or £50 for the whole six session series). You choose the rate that best suits your needs.
  • Seeing Salvation: Friday 5 June, 2.30pm, zoom meeting. Jonathan Evens shares practical approaches to using art in church settings. Session 1: Art Trails. Email for an invitation.
  • Inspired to Follow - Art and the Bible Story: Sunday 7 June, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - This course uses fine art paintings that can be found in the collection of the National Gallery as a spring board for deepening one’s Christian faith and exploring what it means to follow Jesus today. Topic: Luke 1:26-38 / ‘The Annunciation’ Fra Filippo Lippi, about 1450-3, NG666. To receive a zoom invite email Jonathan Evens at
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 8 June, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 9 June, 4.30pm, livestreamed at
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 10 June, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Wellbeing Group: Thursday 11 June, 2.00 – 3.00 pm, zoom meeting. Join the group at
  • Living God’s Future Now - HeartEdge monthly dialogue: Thursday 11 June, 6.00pm, Zoom meeting. Sam Wells in dialogue with John McKnight. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Renewal from the edge: Friday 12 June, 10.00am, zoom meeting. Azariah France-Williams, Helen Jacobi and Fiona MacMillan will explore how lived experience of marginalisation can enable a call from the edge of church or society that can shape our prophetic and political thinking, enabling us to be most truly who we might be – as individuals, as society, and as the church. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Seeing Salvation: Friday 12 June, 2.30pm, zoom meeting. Jonathan Evens shares practical approaches to using art in church settings. Session 2: Art and contemplation. Email for an invitation.
  • Inspired to Follow - Art and the Bible Story: Sunday 14 June, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Topic: Luke 1:26-38 / ‘Mystic Nativity’, Sandro Botticelli, 1500, NG1034.
  • Theology Group: Sunday 14 June, 6.00pm, Zoom meeting - Sam Wells will respond to questions and reflections on a theological question devised by the Chair. Chaired by a member of St Martin-in-the-Fields. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 15 June, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 16 June, 4.30pm, livestreamed at
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 17 June, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Wellbeing Group: Thursday 18 June, 2.00 – 3.00 pm, zoom meeting. Join the group at
  • Seeing Salvation: Friday 19 June, 2.30pm, zoom meeting. Jonathan Evens shares practical approaches to using art in church settings. Session 3: Art workshops. Email for an invitation.
  • Faith in the future: Friday 19 June, 8.00 p.m. BST (3:00 p.m. ET), pay what you can. What is the church of the future? Will church—as we know it—even exist? Author and noted futurist Bob Johansen, a distinguished fellow with the Institute for the Future, will join Dr. Lisa Kimball, the Associate Dean of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary to look at current trends, beyond those trends, possible disruptions, and why a new way of thinking is required for leaders of the church. Organised by our US partners TryTank. Register at
  • Inspired to Follow - Art and the Bible Story: Sunday 21 June, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Topic: Mark 1: 1-12 / ‘The Baptism of Christ’; predella panel, Giovanni di Paolo, 1454, NG5451.
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 22 June, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 23 June, 4.30pm, livestreamed at
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 24 June, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Wellbeing Group: Thursday 25 June, 2.00 – 3.00 pm, zoom meeting.
  • Seeing Salvation: Friday 26 June, 2.30pm, zoom meeting. Jonathan Evens shares practical approaches to using art in church settings. Session 4: Art meditations. Email for an invitation.
  • Sustainable church, sustainable planet: Friday 26 June, 4.30 pm, zoom meeting. A workshop with Ruth Valerio, Deborah Colvin and Stephen Norrish exploring local church responses to the climate emergency by reducing carbon footprints, setting up environmental initiatives, becoming an Eco-church and contributing to global campaigns. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Inspired to Follow - Art and the Bible Story: Sunday, 28 June, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Topic: Luke 10:25-42 / ‘Christ in the House of Martha and Mary’, Diego Velásquez, probably 1618, NG1375.
  • Biblical Studies class: Monday 29 June, 7.30-9.00 pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Sermon Preparation Workshop: Tuesday 30 June, 4.30pm, livestreamed at
July 2020
  • Community of Practitioners workshop: Wednesday 1 July, 4.30pm, Zoom meeting.
  • Wellbeing Group: Thursday 2 July, 2.00 – 3.00 pm, zoom meeting.
  • Handling conflict when building online community: Thursday 2 July, 4.30 – 6.00pm, zoom meeting. In this workshop Alastair McKay and Lia Shimada will explore questions around how we handle relational tensions when working remotely via online meetings and gatherings. To receive a zoom invite email Ben Sheridan at
  • Seeing Salvation: Friday 3 July, 2.30pm, zoom meeting. Jonathan Evens shares practical approaches to using art in church settings. Session 4: Exhibitions – solo shows. Email for an invitation.
  • Inspired to Follow - Art and the Bible Story: Sunday, 5 July, 2.00 pm, Zoom meeting - Topic: Mark 11: 4-12 & 15-19 / ‘Christ driving the Traders from the Temple’, El Greco, about.1600, NG1457.

London Community Gospel Choir - Sun In The Rain.

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