Saturday, 23 May 2020

Artlyst: Salisbury Cathedral 800 Years Of Art And Spirit

My latest article for Artlyst is a review of the Celebrating 800 years of Spirit and Endeavour exhibition at Salisbury Cathedral, which has been taken online since lockdown:

'The exhibition was a major commitment on the part of the Cathedral for its anniversary year, so lockdown was a bitter blow but, in the spirit celebrated by the exhibition, one they were determined to overcome. In response a virtual exhibition was created which launched eight centuries to the day after the first foundation stones of this magnificent building were laid and just over a month after the real-life launch was halted by the COVID-19 lockdown.

As Dr Robert Titley, Salisbury Cathedral’s Canon Treasurer and Chair of the Cathedral’s Arts Advisory Committee has said: “Christianity is a religion of redemption and salvation. We planned this exhibition to celebrate a landmark birthday for our Cathedral and city but the coronavirus overtook us. Now – thanks to this virtual realisation – the exhibition lives anew, to bring hope and delight in a time of trouble, passing through the closed doors of isolation and lockdown. It’s a sign of what is possible when the Spirit of God fuels human endeavour.'

My other Artlyst pieces are:


Robbie Robertson - Shine Your Light.

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