Friday, 10 April 2020

Stations of the Cross

I have two sets of meditations on the Stations of the Cross which are available for download from
  • Mark of the Cross features 20 poetic meditations on Christ’s journey to the cross and reactions to his resurrection and ascension (images by Henry Shelton and words by Jonathan Evens).
  • The Passion: Reflections and Prayers features pictures, poems and prayers by Henry Shelton and Jonathan Evens which enable us to follow Jesus on his journey to the cross reflecting both on the significance and the pain of that journey as we do so and published as a double-sided A3 sheet with all the images, haiku-like meditations and prayers laid out in sequence for ease of devotional use.
Here are the meditations and prayers from The Passion set:

Station 1 - Jesus is condemned to death

The finger of a freshly washed
hand points condemnation.
A drip forms on the finger-tip
and glints in the sun, blood-red.

May we walk from our prisons with thankfulness that your condemnation set us free. Amen.

Station 2 - Jesus takes up his cross

An arm raises up the torture instrument
to which a hand will be nailed
when a body is raised up as was
the bronze serpent in the wilderness.

May all who look on you, raised up upon the cross, know healing. Amen.

Station 3 - Jesus falls the first time

Body bowed, weight-laden, exhaustion
spreads through limbs, feet catch
on stones, stumble, to fall spread-eagled
like the chalk outline of a murder victim.

In our exhaustion and pain, may we know you alongside. Amen.

Station 4 - Jesus meets his mother

At my beginning I was pushed bloodied
from your limbs and struck so that strange
gases would rush my lungs. I return to you
at my end, bloodied and panting once again.

You are Alpha and Omega, in my beginning as at my end. Amen.

Station 5 - Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross

In my exhaustion, in my torment, in my
time of distress, I reach out and touch the hand
of a stranger. One man meeting the need
of the one who seeks to meet the needs of all.

May we reach out and touch a hand to make a friend if we can. Amen.

Station 6 - Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

A tender touch after rough-handling, beating
and thorns. Eyes, cleansed from dirt and sweat
that clogged and stung, now
fill with tears at such a tender touch.

May we see the face of Christ in the tears which others weep. Amen.

Station 7 - Jesus falls the second time

Apple taken, nakedness hidden,
excuses made, judgement given,
expelled and barred, enter stage
left, a second Adam, falling up.

May our fragilities and fallibilities be healed by your sacrifice for the fallenness of all. Amen.

Station 8 - Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Wail and mourn, keen and grieve
for a mother’s son untimely torn
from life, for all who fall before
their time, for life as grief and pain.

May all those who mourn know the paradox of comfort. Amen.

Station 9 - Jesus falls the third time
Burnt orange, red umber, blazing
while fading, taking one final leap
into the unknown, joining the many
speckling the dusty, dirty highway.

Just as autumn holds the promise of spring, may our falls be redeemed by your resurrection. Amen

Station 10 - Jesus is stripped of his garments

The first Adam covered his nakedness
when sin gripped human life.
The second Adam stands uncovered
to break sin’s vice-like grip.

Strip us of our sin, set us free from all that enslaves us. Amen.

Station 11 - Jesus is nailed to the cross

Blow after hammer blow holds your body
to the cross. Yet, if you had willed so,
you could have walked away. You did not
so will, your will held you crucified and dying.

Enable us to set our faces like flint as we follow in your footsteps. Amen.

Station 12 - Jesus dies on the cross

The sun is eclipsed, early nightfall,
darkness covers the surface of the deep,
the Spirit grieves over the waters.
On the formless, empty earth, God is dead.

Through the death of all we hold most dear, may we find life. Amen.

Station 13 - Jesus is taken down from the cross

Manhandled when beaten, whipped, nailed
and pierced, the body of God
is handled with care as Jesus is taken
in the arms of those who loved him.

Enable us to care tenderly for all who have been abused. Amen.

Station 14 - Jesus is laid in the tomb

Clean linen, scents, perfumes and spices
to cover the stench of decay. Guards set
to prevent the body’s theft. No thought
but return and how to move the stone away.

May we continue to be surprised by all your sweet, clean returns. Amen.


Adrian Snell - Golgotha.

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