Thursday, 23 April 2020

HeartEdge workshops

HeartEdge is now offering three weekly online workshops - a Sermon Preparation workshop and a Community of Practitioners meeting live with Revd Dr Sam Wells and a Biblical Studies masterclass with Revd Dr Simon Woodman, all of which may be of interest to church practitioners.

Join Simon Woodman each Monday evening, 7.30-9.00pm for a Biblical Studies Masterclass: a lecture followed by discussion, with handouts. This will look at the New Testament Epistles; introducing the genre, looking at issues such as dating and authorship, and then working through each letter individually addressing key themes and issues. Register in advance for this meeting:

Every Tuesday at 4.30pm there is a live Facebook preaching workshop focusing on the forthcoming Sunday's lectionary readings. Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner discuss the readings in the light of current events and share thoughts on approaches to the passages. See the earlier discussions in the Videos section of this page.

Every Wednesday at 4.30pm on Zoom there is also be a Community of Practitioners workshop. This is an opportunity for ministers and other leaders of HeartEdge churches to meet together to reflect on issues relating to congregational renewal through commerce, culture and compassion. We read together the book 'A Future Bigger than the Past: Catalysing kingdom communities' and support one another virtually in these unprecedented times. Join HeartEdge at and message us ( asking for an invitation if you want to take part.


Buddy & Julie Miller - Thoughts At 2AM.

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