Friday, 13 March 2020

HeartEdge in Brussels

Azariah France-Williams has written a reflection on the recent HeartEdge weekend in Brussels. His full reflection can be read here. In it he says:

'We were based at Holy Trinity in Brussels, where Paul Volijk had invited several churches of the region to send representatives to gather and consider HeartEdge for their setting. Jonathan delivered a presentation which was undoing old formulas as much as it was creating head and heart space for other approaches. Approaches where people are fundamentally beautiful assets, not burdensome activities, where commerce is one of God’s ways of founding and furnishing God’s own home within the wider world. A minister called Scott Rennie gave examples from his own context in Aberdeen on how this ideology could be expressed.

The full discussion and desire to flood the room with resonant stories demonstrated Jonathan and Scott had hit the right notes. And talking about notes St Martin’s Voices arrived late morning to whisk the company away with Great Sacred Music, an evening concert, and bolstering the church choir on the Sunday morning. I loved the weekend. Jonathan preached a message on Sunday which was simple but not easy. He urged us to take seriously ‘that we were enough.’ There is so much striving and little arriving with much of Christianity. Yet Jonathan was saying that on the first Sunday of Lent ‘we were enough’ Jesus identity of ‘enoughness’ meant the temptations could not snare him. As he was full of love, so he was able to give from abundance to those in the margins. He had a full Heart so could live on the Edge.'


Sufjan Stevens - The Transfiguration.

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