Saturday, 22 February 2020

HeartEdge activity & update

Catherine Duce has spent the past week at the CEEP conference in Louisville, Kentucky where HeartEdge has had an exhibition table.

There are over 25 churches in the USA who have joined HeartEdge. Representatives of these churches are amongst the 650 delegates from across the USA who have gathered to pray, reflect and learn from one another.

The HeartEdge table is in a prominent location in the central lobby and every delegate received information about the work of HeartEdge in their conference packs.

Catherine is learning a lot and enjoying conversations with a diversity of people about mission and congregational renewal. She has also attended seminars on preaching, issues affecting women’s ministry and stewardship.

Future HeartEdge events include:
  • Saturday, February 29, 10:00 AM 3:00 PM, Holy Trinity Brussels, Rue Capitaine Crespel 29 Brussels. NWE Mission Working Party Day will feature HeartEdge. 'Resourcing Innovative Mission' is a day organised by the Mission Working Party of the Archdeaconry of North West Europe with HeartEdge. The event will use key HeartEdge concepts including the 4Cs – commerce, culture, compassion and congregation – as a model for mission. Experience Great Sacred Music - a 35-minute sequence of words and music speaking to heart, head and soul with St Martin's Voices Fellows and reflect on use of culture to share faith insights with secular audiences. The day will also provide opportunities to share ideas, identify key challenges and assets for future initiatives. We will gather for tea/coffee at 10:00 and start at 10:30.
  • St Martin's Voices concert, 29th February 2020 from 7:00 PM 8:00 PM, Holy Trinity Brussels Rue Capitaine Crespel 29 Brussels Belgium. St Martin’s Voices are an exciting and dynamic professional vocal ensemble, primarily made up of talented past and present choral scholars who come together to sing concerts and special events at St Martin-in-the-Fields and beyond. Recent performances have included Mozart Requiem and Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, and Beethoven Mass in C with Southbank Sinfonia. St Martin’s Voices regularly broadcast on the BBC, including Radio 3 Choral Evensong and BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship and Daily Service. They also make regular national and international tours, including recent performances at Greenbelt Festival and visits to the USA – Minneapolis, Washington DC, New York – and Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • Holy Communion - Holy Trinity Brussels, 1st March 2020 from 10.30 - 11.30, Holy Trinity Brussels Rue Capitaine Crespel 29 Brussels Belgium. At the 10:30am Holy Communion Service in Holy Trinity Brussels they enjoy many traditional Anglican hymns, a robed choir, and lectionary readings. People from many different backgrounds, languages and generations gather together to worship, to pray, and to share fellowship. There are children and youth programmes at this service, as well as a time to gather socially afterwards.
  • 19 March, 2.00-4.30pm ‘Inspired to Follow: Art & the Bible Story’ Mission Model workshop, , St Martin-in-the-Fields. An opportunity to experience one of the sessions of ‘Inspired to Follow’ and to learn how to make the most of the resource. Free to HeartEdge partners, £10 for others. Book here.
  • 1 April 2020, Liverpool HeartEdge Day: Exploring mission, sharing ideas, uncovering solutions and finding support, this is an ecumenical day with Sam Wells and guests. Book here.
  • 29 April. West Cornwall HeartEdge Day: Details to follow!
  • May 18 - 20 San Antonio - Texas. Faith+Finance: Reimagining God’s Economy is a new gathering with a bias for action. We are bringing together pastors and impact investors, theologians and social entrepreneurs to respond with courage and imagination to the most urgent and demanding economic, social, environmental, and spiritual challenges of our day.
  • 19 May, 10.00am – 3.30pm, Wessex HeartEdge Day: Christchurch Priory. Exploring mission, sharing ideas, uncovering solutions and finding support, this is an ecumenical day with Sam Wells and guests. Book here.
  • Wednesday 20 May 2020, 3.00 – 5.00pm. Nazareth Community Workshop: The Nazareth Community was established at St Martin’s in March 2018, now with over sixty members. The workshop will be led by Revd Richard Carter, and is an opportunity to learn about the life of the community, and to consider how it could be applied in your own contexts. Richard is the leader of the Nazareth Community and author of The City is My Monastery: a Contemporary Rule of Life; published by Canterbury Press in 2019. The afternoon will mirror the Saturday morning sharing time, and will begin in the church. The session will include: Welcome and an introduction to the Nazareth Community’s simple way of life; Prayer & silence; Talk; Q&A; Refreshments; Small groups; and Close. Participant are encouraged to stay on for Bread for the World at 6.30pm, an informal Eucharist with St Martin’s Choral Scholars in which the themes of the afternoon will be taken up and deepened in worship. Book here.
  • 21 -22 September - London: HeartEdge Annual Gathering - an exciting smorgasbord of theology, ideas and 'how-to' plus curry, catching up, sharing stories and making connections. Make a weekend of it - from Sunday evening's Nazareth Community gathering to Wednesday visiting projects. Save the date - more details to follow.

Brandon Flowers - Dreams Come True.

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