Thursday, 8 August 2019
Autumn Lecture Series 2019: The Quality of Mercy
The Autumn Lecture Series for 2019 at St Martin-in-the-Fields is called The Quality of Mercy. In a time of increasing conflict, division and blame this series will explore the concept of mercy in our world today and what part it needs to play in issues of race, equality, truth and justice and how literature, music, poetry and drama can help shift perspectives and help us see the wider world through others’ eyes.
In this series St Martin’s brings together renowned writers, artists, theologians and speakers to address how and if we can discover a mercy that will lead to a deeper humanity and true transformation. The lectures will be followed by the chance to ask questions and a reception in the café in the crypt for further discussion. For those unable to attend we hope to record the lectures so they will be available on the St Martin-in-the-Fields website and the new Heart Edge website.
We look forward to welcoming you and those you know who may be interested in coming. It is free and open to all and you can reserve a place with Eventbrite:
Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me.
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