Sunday, 28 July 2019

Thinking Differently About God: Neurodiversity, Faith and Church

Saturday 12th October – Sunday 13th October 2019 

A weekend of events to mark our 8th annual conference on Disability and Church, a partnership between St Martin-in-the-Fields and Inclusive Church

Download the flyer here

Saturday 12th October 10.30-16.30 St Martin's Hall, St Martin-in-the-Fields
Thinking Differently About God: Neurodiversity, Faith and Church

Neurodiversity is the idea that there are natural variations in the way people think and process information. These include autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia, and Tourette's- each a particular combination of needs and gifts. We'll be exploring our understanding of God and sharing experience of discovery, discrimination and discernment.

Speakers include: Bingo Allison, Dan Barnes-Davies, Sue Hartley, Phillip Hickman, Naomi Jacobs, Ann Memmott, Rachel Noel, Krysia Waldock, WAVE and Sam Wells.

Through plenary talks, in workshops and in small groups, with a silent space and a marketplace, we gather to resource each other and the church. Organised by and for neurodivergent people, supporters and those with an interest in the issues and ideas.

We prioritise the voices of neurodivergent people at this conference as they are rarely heard in church contexts. This is in keeping with the conference tradition to focus on the lived experience of disabled people themselves. Parents, carers, supporters and others with an interest are also welcome.

Register today at

Sunday 13th October 10-11.15, St Martin-in-the-Fields
Thinking Differently About God: Eucharist

We reflect on the weekend's themes in our main Eucharist using liturgy written by members of St Martin's Disability Advisory Group, under the guidance of Sam Wells. Address: Ann Memmott, main author of the Church of England guidelines on autism. BSL interpreted. All are welcome.

Sunday 13th October 14.00-16.30, St Martin's Hall
Thinking Differently

An afternoon programme using insights from the creative arts to explore the weekend's themes. Performance, panel discussions and workshops- details to be announced. You don't have to register in advance but it helps if you do. All are welcome.


Tickets are free, retiring collection to cover costs.


St Martin's Voices - A New Commandment.

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