Saturday, 22 June 2019

HeartEdge Introductory Days

The latest HeartEdge Introductory Day was held at Jesmond URC in Newcastle on 11 June and drew together an engaged group from across the denominations. 

Sam Wells began the day by speaking about going beyond the benefactor and steward in the way we fund churches. Then we heard about local initiatives exemplifying the 4 Cs: Faith in Our Community CAFÉ Together in Easington Colliery run a community lunch once a week with cookery classes, summer activities and a pop-up restaurant also happening regularly; Forget Me Knot organise a community pantomime with the URC church and community in Roker; St Michael's in Byker work with youth and community to rebuild the church and its activities; and Churches’ Key Project in South Tyneside provide young people with accommodation, mediation with family members and life skills to help them find their way. 

Jonathan Evens described HeartEdge as a ‘movement for renewal fuelled by its members’. After a wonderful lunch provided by Social Chef, we heard from Sunderland University Chaplain Chris Howson on healing communities in the midst of Brexit. The afternoon was spent in workshops including how to … run a community lunch, develop enterprise, engage your community at Christmas and nurture good mental health. Speakers were from community projects across the region and gave participants a more in-depth look at how to set up these kinds of projects and what challenges and rewards they give us. The day closed with some Theological reflections from Fr. Chris Hughes and Sam Wells. 

Feedback after the event included:
  • ‘The day at Jesmond URC was a wonderful time of learning, sharing and fellowship with a real and obvious enthusiasm from both speakers and participants for getting involved in the community.’
  • ‘What an interesting and lively day at Jesmond yesterday. I'm so glad to have been there. There's plenty to consider prayerfully and challenges to broaden what being church is about.’
  • ‘I especially liked the view of church as Congregation, Compassion, Culture and Commerce emphasising that a church was not solely spirituality.’
The next HeartEdge Introductory Day is on Thursday 27 June at St Thomas' Derby. Working across Derby, Nottingham and the surrounding area? Urban, suburban or rural? We would love you to join this practical one-day intensive introduction to HeartEdge with Sam Wells and guests. We're ecumenical and open to all. The day will explore approaches to mission, do theology, develop ideas and help build on the community of practice in Derby. Book in here.

In addition to Sam Wells, the programme also includes: Paul Morris (St Peter’s Derby), Christopher Harrison (St Peter’s Nottingham), Joseph Chivayo (Derby City of Sanctuary), Simon Cartwright (St Thomas'), Michael Gladwell (Derby Language School), Beth Honey (Derwent Oak), Pat McMenemy & Courtney Smith (Women of Faith Nottingham) and Julian Penfold (St James Riddings).

To register for a free ticket click here.

The day will explore approaches to mission, do theology, develop ideas and help build on the community of practice in Derby and Nottingham. We'll do this by referring to:
  • Congregation: Liturgy, worship & new congregations
  • Commerce: Being entrepreneurial, growing income via enterprise
  • Compassion: Grow participation to address social need
  • Culture: Art, music connecting with communities
We'll start with refreshments from 10am and a programme from 10.30am.
  • Programme will include panel discussion and practical ‘how to’ session.
  • Lots of opportunity to build networks, make connections, with time to meet over lunch & refreshments.
Practical, inspiring with lots to celebrate and take away - we hope you can join us.

HeartEdge is a growing ecumenical network of churches and other organisations, in the UK and overseas, initiated by St Martin-in-the-Fields. Joining HeartEdge is easy - find out more here.


Lifehouse - Everything.

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