Sunday, 30 June 2019

Artlyst: Contemplating the Spiritual in Contemporary Art

My latest piece for Artlyst is a review of ‘Contemplating the Spiritual in Contemporary Art’ at Rosenfeld Porcini. This is a gallery that has been unafraid to show work inspired by spirituality, as evidenced by the work of Emmanuel Barcilon and Francisco de Corcuera, among others. This, however, is their first show dedicated to the contemplation of the spiritual:

'Contemplating the Spiritual in Contemporary Art a new exhibition at Rosenfeld Porcini is proof, if proof is needed, that there is no shortage of artists exploring, as Erika Doss described them, ‘the intersections of iconography, religious orthodoxy, and issues of faith’. Doss’ claim was that ‘issues of faith and spirituality’ have been ‘very much a part of modern art … as artists of diverse styles and inclinations repeatedly turned to the subjects of religious belief and piety’.'

My other Artlyst articles and interviews are:

Gillan Welch - Old Time Religion.

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