Friday, 12 April 2019

Holy Week and Easter at St Martin-in-the-Fields

This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week with, at St Martin-in-the-Fields, a Palm Sunday procession, led by a donkey, with the Regent Hall Salvation Army Band and the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields, and our Eucharist includes the dramatization of the Passion Gospel, led by members of the St Martin’s community.The procession begins as we gather behind Admiralty Arch at 9.45am. For those not joining the procession the service in church begins as usual at 10.00am.

At 5.00pm on Palm Sunday, ‘From Creation to Salvation’ is a powerful service of readings and music as we enter into Holy Week, telling the story of salvation, with the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

We welcome you to all of our services for Holy Week and Easter. Join with us as we follow the way of Christ through death to resurrection. Meditations on the Stations of the Cross feature on Monday and there will be a Eucharist on Tuesday. Both are in the Dick Sheppard Chapel. Alternative Stations of the Cross, 6.00pm on 15 April will include pictures, poems and prayers that enable us to follow Jesus on his journey to the cross reflecting both on the significance and the pain of that journey as we do so. The poems are by Jonathan Evens and the pictures by Henry Shelton.

Bread for the World on Wednesday evening concludes the Confessions of Augustine with Sam Wells preaching and presiding. Maundy Thursday Foot Washing and Institution of the Eucharist starts at 6.30pm with Vigil until 10pm. Good Friday includes an All Age Service at 10am and The Three Hours, with reflections by Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Loughborough at 12-3pm, followed by hot cross buns and coffee in St Martin's Hall.

The Rt Revd Guli Francis-Dehqani is the preacher in our Good Friday Three Hours service of reflections on the passion of Christ. Her theme is ‘A Cry from the Cross for a Lost Homeland.’ With music from the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields. Bishop Francis-Dehqani comes originally from Iran. Since 2017 she has served the Church of England as the Bishop of Loughborough and has a particular interest in work related to diverse cultures and ethnic minority communities within the Diocese.

Easter Sunday begins with the Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter, with the lighting of the new fire on the Portico at 5.30am. It will be followed by Easter Breakfast, Parish Eucharist at 10.00am. 

Find out more about services during Holy Week and Easter here.


Will Todd - Sabat Mater.

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