Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Lent Course: The Confessions of St Augustine

I was obliged to study and it did me good’ (Augustine Confessions 1/12)

Although Augustine in his childhood was not so keen on studying, at St Martin-in-the-Fields we’re excited to be reading his Confessions for our Lent Course. The course runs for six weeks on Wednesday evenings, from 13 March - 17 April, starting with a service in church at 6:30pm.

For further information, see the flyer here: https://goo.gl/nPwjSM

The Confessions of St Augustine is one of the greatest spiritual autobiographies written, and has had a significant impact on the church. It is “a canticle to God, full of psychological insights, which tells the story of a soul, and also the story of God, and how he is constantly at work seeking us.” 

For the 2019 Lent Course, we will be guided through the text, with a fresh translation by Benignus O’Rourke OSA, which sheds new light on Augustine’s spiritual journey. Each evening will follow the pattern below, with a community Eucharist at 6.30pm, where the different chapters of Confessions are introduced, followed by a simple shared supper and then listening groups. The cost of the whole Lent Programme is £15 which includes a copy of the book and study guide. The study guide will include selected quotations from the Confessions, points to wonder over, and a prayer. The book and guide will be available from Ash Wednesday on 6th March from the Verger’s office, and at the service at 6:30pm in the church. 

Services on Ash Wednesday are: an 8.30am Eucharist, a Choral Eucharist at 1.00pm and Bread for the World at 6.30pm. All these services will include the Imposition of Ashes.

The Lent Programme: 
  • 6.30pm: we begin in Church with Bread for the World- an informal Eucharist, during which the theme for the week will be introduced and reflected upon. 
  • 7.30pm: we share a simple Lenten Supper of bread and soup (during this time the church will remain open for silent reflection). 
  • 8.00-8.45 pm: we join Listening Groups to reflect upon the theme for the week. 
  • The Church will be open until 9.00pm for Silent Prayer. 
Week One 13 March Book I and II 
Week Two 20 March Book III 
Week Three 27 March Book IV 
Week Four 3 April Book V 
Week Five 10 April Book VI and VII 
Week Six 17 April Book VIII and IX


Jon Foreman - White As Snow.

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