Friday, 1 February 2019

Foyer display – Rosalind Beeton

St Martin-in-the-Fields is home to several commissions and permanent installations by contemporary artists. We also have an exciting programme of temporary exhibitions, as well as a group of artists and craftspeople from the St Martin’s community who show artwork and organise art projects on a temporary basis. One of the initiatives from this group is a changing display of work by the group members or artists linked to the group. Each month a different artist shows examples of their work, so, if you are able, do return to see the changing display.

For February, the display is ‘Music In Landscape,’ a series of mixed media paintings by Rosalind Beeton.

Rosalind writes: 

‘Being a musician and painter I have always been interested in synaesthesia, being able to see sound and hear colour. In these paintings I have tried to show how notes, music, cannot be trapped in a formal music stave as printed music is written. Music is free, it belongs to another dimension outside time or space, there are no boundaries only man-made use of bar-lines, a stave and time signature. In these paintings I have tried to show how these sounds, for me, can be related to the rhythms of landscape, how I find music in nature, the trees, the birds, the hills, the cosmos. For me, the act of painting is a very sensual activity. All these paintings are composed of mixed media, collage, graphite, oil and water colour.

I studied music for my B.Ed degree, learning about classical harmonic structures and how to compose pieces. I also spent many years training in art. I have played the piano since I was 7, and have played various instruments over the years but my great love has always been the cello, the music of which touches my heart deeply, so I am attempting to learn this beautiful instrument. Now I am also enjoying words in poetry that I write, enjoying the evocative musical sounds and colours that words can evoke and create. I feel privileged and happy to be a member of the Nazareth Contemplative Community here at St Martins-in-the-Fields.’


Don McLean - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night).

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