Saturday, 8 September 2018

Nazareth Community, Bread for the World & Great Sacred Music

Last Sunday's BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship was a wonderful service of meditation led by Revd Richard Carter, leader of the Nazareth Community at St Martin-in-the-Fields. Listen to 'With Silence, with Scripture, with Sacrament, with Service: Rediscovering the Presence of Christ in the midst of busy and complex lives' by clicking here.

There are two more opportunities this week to find out more about the Nazareth Community. This Sunday at our 10.00am Eucharist we are full of joy that seven new people will be joining the Nazareth Community. We will pray for them and for all the community as they continue to deepen and enrich their faith through silence, sacrament, compassionate service, sacred study and sharing the life of the Nazareth Community.

Then on Wednesday, at 6.30pm, Bread for the World, our weekly informal Eucharist, will be on the theme of the Nazareth Community. For this service we will be joined by delegates from the first HeartEdge national conference, for whom this service will be an opportunity to learn about the Nazareth Community.

Additionally, a special Great Sacred Music is to be held at St Martin's earlier on Wednesday, again as part of It’s All Church!, the first national HeartEdge conference. Open to all and being held at the slightly earlier time of 12.50pm (please arrive by 12.40pm), this Great Sacred Music is entitled ‘All my hope on God is founded’. Led by Sam Wells with St Martin’s Voices, directed by Andrew Earis, this performance will include music by Howells, J.S. Bach, Stanford, Bullard and Finzi. A said Eucharist will also be held at 1.00pm that same day in the Dick Sheppard Chapel.

The HeartEdge conference is an opportunity for people from churches across the UK to gather for two days of inspiration, ideas and resources, including the opportunity to experience Great Sacred Music and Bread for the World at St Martin’s. Register for the conference here, but simply turn up at 12.40pm for Great Sacred Music or at 6.30pm for Bread for the World.


Great Sacred Music: A Hymn for St Cecilia.

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