Thursday, 27 September 2018

At the heart. On the edge.

Following the recent HeartEdge conference, our next HeartEdge events are two Introductory Days in Manchester and Inverness:

  • at the heart. on the edge. Wednesday 31 October 2018 at St Peter's House, Oxford Road, Manchester. Exploring mission, sharing ideas, uncovering solutions and finding support. A day with Revd Dr Sam Wells and guests. Panel discussion, theology, practical ‘how to’ focus. Networking. Connecting. Lunch & refreshments. Refreshments 10am. Programme 10.30am. Finish 3.30pm. Book in here -
  • ‘At the heart. On the edge.' Tuesday 13 November, 10.00am - 3.30pm. A day hosted by Rev Fiona Smith, Minister of Ness Bank Parish Church, and Revd Dr Sam Wells, Vicar of St Martin-in-the- Fields, which includes theology, ideas, solutions and support for re-imagining Church. A programme has been developed jointly by Ness Bank Church and St Martin’s. The day, to be held at Ness Bank Church on Tuesday 13 November 10 am to 3.30 pm, will explore, with contributions from local churches, mission and ministry in relation to the four pillars of HeartEdge: Congregation; Commerce; Compassion; and Culture. Among those contributing are: Rev Sarah Murray (Provost St Andrew’s Cathedral Inverness), Allan Dunbar (Christians Against Poverty debt programme), Isobel Grigor (Chief Executive of Calman Trust), Rev Fiona Smith (Inverness Foodstuff). St Martin’s Fellows directed by Andrew Earis with perform Great Sacred Music, a 35-minute sequence of choral music speaking to heart, head and soul which explores through song and readings the great classical music of our religious heritage. Register here:

Other HeartEdge speaking engagements include:

  • How can church survive and thrive in the context of world and kingdom? Sam Wells at Bell Vue Baptist Southend on Wednesday 3 October, 6.30-9.30pm (Bell Vue Baptist Church, Southend on Sea, SS1 2QA). Doors open 6pm. Talk 1: 6.30pm Break: 7.45pm Talk 2: 8.20pm. Details here and here.
  • Salt Conference 2018: #StandTogether, Friday, 5 October 2018 – 9.30am to 4.30pm at Central Hall Westminster, Storey's Gate, London SW1H 9NH. Organised by Christian Aid's SALT Business Network to learn how to support and equip changemakers in whichever business God has called you to. With business leaders from a range of sectors on how they’re transforming business, communities and lives. HeartEdge will run a workshop on Start:Stop. Conference guests include: Michael Hastings – Global Head of Citizenships for KPMG International; David Connor – founder of the 2030hub and Coethica; Sophi Tranchell MBE – Managing Director of Divine Chocolate, the innovative international Fairtrade cocoa cooperative in Ghana; and Martin Rich – cofounder and Executive Director of Future Fit Foundation. Tickets cost £55. Details here.
HeartEdge is an emerging network initiated by St Martin-in-the-Fields - more here


Bruce Cockburn - Strong Hand of Love

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