Saturday, 11 August 2018

HeartEdge churches: Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon

One of my new pleasures when travelling the country is visiting HeartEdge churches. Here's the first, Holy Trinity Bradford on Avon is a thriving and welcoming Grade I listed Parish Church in the inclusive and liberal modern catholic tradition, and has an active membership today of over 150. The parish of Holy Trinity is part of the Benefice of Bradford on Avon Holy Trinity, Westwood and Wingfield. The Revd Canon Joanna Abecassis is the Rector of this relatively new benefice, which was formed in 2013.

Holy Trinity are always seeking to be open to God and to grow in their personal faith and as a church community: so are on a journey! That journey began a very long time ago: the current church building has existed since 1150, but underwent a massive transformation and regeneration in 2016 (when the church was closed for a year). They called this project ‘Opening our Doors’ and so now rejoice in the fact that, not only do they have the most magnificent cathedral-like building, but their doors are open every day of the week welcoming in both members of their community and visitors from afar (like me). And the new glass doors proclaim the message, ‘Be still and know that I am God’. Read more about their reordering here.


The Brilliance - Open Up.

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