Saturday, 18 August 2018

Artlyst: Art And The Consequences Of War Explored In Two Exhibitions

My latest piece for Artlyst is an article about the linked exhibitions, ‘Aftermath: Art in the Wake of World War One’ at Tate Britain and ‘Magic Realism: Art in Weimar Germany 1919 – 33’ at Tate Modern. Both feature many of the same German artists, while Aftermath also includes British and French artists from the same period:

'In a move suggesting that mainstream curating has now accepted the validity of a continuing but fractious relationship between art and faith as a strand within modernism, both feature artists who depicted biblical stories in contemporary settings to reflect on the consequences of war (including Winifred Knights, Stanley Spencer and Albert Birkle). ‘Magic Realism’ has a room exploring Faith (including Birkle and Herbert Gurschner), while ‘Aftermath’ includes Georges Rouault’s series Miserere et Guerre (Mercy and War), adapting biblical imagery to reflect on contemporary experience.'

My other Artlyst articles and interviews are:

George Harrison - Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth).

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