Monday, 16 July 2018

Something Worth Sharing

Something Worth Sharing
Saturday 13 October - Sunday 14 October 2018
St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London

A weekend of events to mark our 7th annual conference on Disability and Church, a partnership between St Martin-in-the-Fields and Inclusive Church.

Saturday 13 October
10.30am - 4.30pm, St Martin’s Hall
Something Worth Sharing

Disabled people can be isolated by experience or geography, and face barriers to belonging in churches and communities. What can we do to unlock gates and open our gifts? From access statements to advisory groups, using language and structure, connecting and gathering, we explore ideas and share practical resources for getting in and joining in.

Speakers include: June Boyce-Tillman, Tim Goode, Fiona MacMillan, Ann Memmott, Emily Richardson and Sam Wells

Through plenary talks and in small groups, with a silent space and a marketplace, this is a day to resource each other and the church. Organised by and for disabled people, supporters and people with an interest in disability issues.

Cost: £20/£10 concessions

Registration: Spaces are limited.

Sunday 14 October
10.00am - 11.30am
Eucharist and Healing Service for St Luke’s Day

This special service reflects the weekend’s themes using liturgy written by members of St Martin’s Disability Advisory Group and Healing Team. The service includes the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, accompanied by prayers for healing - for yourself, someone else or the wider world. All are welcome.

Sunday 14 October
2.00pm - 4.30pm, St Martin’s Hall
Something Worth Sharing: Defiant Lives

A special screening of this feature-length documentary followed by discussion of the issues and ideas. Defiant Lives tells the story of the disability rights movement in the UK, US and Australia, Mixing archive footage and recent interviews with disabled people who fought for a society where everyone can participate. All are welcome.


Tickets are free with a retiring collection to cover costs - suggested donation £5.


Victoria Williams & Vic Chesnutt - God Is Good.

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