Sunday, 1 July 2018

New Roots Artist in Residence.- Valerie Dean

commission4mission'Valerie Dean is the first New Roots Artist in Residence. Valerie’s series of pictures as Artist in Residence on the New Roots website will feature angels. “I think it possible that angels really exist, as messengers of God. In any case they represent the moment when we feel touched by the transcendent and perhaps feel called to respond to God.

I have a print of Fra Angelico’s “Paradise” on my wall. It shows happy angels welcoming people into heaven and it was a great comfort to me at a time of sorrow and loss. Jesus tells us of the rejoicing among the angels over the conversion of a sinner so there is hope for us all!”

Valerie’s first picture as Artist in Residence is available from today.

New Roots seeks to meet the needs of those who ‘believe but don’t belong’, nurturing a place of support, resource and encouragement. Find them here.

New Roots is excited that from July 2018 they will feature an ‘Artist in Residence’ each month and have initially teamed up with commission4mission to begin working with a number of artists. The New Roots Artist in Residence will be invited to profile a number of different works for a month with the first artists featured being from commission4mission.

New Roots are keen to work with artists using different visual mediums – so if you are interested in becoming a ‘New Roots Artist in Residence’ get in touch:


The Band with Bob Dylan - When I Paint My Masterpiece.

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