Saturday, 28 July 2018

Encounter: St Martin-in-the-Fields Autumn Lecture Series 2018

I wonder how you have been changed by the people, places and events you have encountered?

‘Come and see,’ Jesus says to his first disciples in John’s Gospel; and they do just that. In the Gospel accounts, Jesus’ disciples witness his face-to-face encounters with a remarkable diversity of people - those of other nations, tribes, faiths, religious leaders, sinners seeking forgiveness, those possessed by evil, those seeking healing, those who betray him, and those whose lives will be forever transformed by his presence. It is not only those who encounter Jesus who are changed, but also those who witness those encounters, passing them on to others, retelling his stories.

Our Autumn Series of lectures at St Martin-in-the-Fields will focus on this theme of encounter. How are we changed by the people, events or objects when we meet them face to face? How do prejudices shift? How are new insights born? What inspires us to new ways of being and relating to God and to others? How do we become who we truly are through those we meet? How do we encounter God in our lives? In each of these lectures prominent and inspirational leaders, thinkers and practitioners will be speaking from a personal but also public perspective about the way such encounters have changed the course of their lives.

This lecture series will be supported by an exhibition, Encounters, in St Martin’s foyer and lightwell by the artist Nicola Green. This series of portraits powerfully expresses a series of historic meetings Green was privileged to witness between spiritual leaders around the globe, from Popes to the Dalai Lama to Chief Rabbis, Grand Muftis, Archbishops and Swamis. Encounters is accompanied by the launch of academic book Encounters: The Art of Interfaith Dialogue.

Come and see: Encounters an Exhibition by Nicola Green,
St Martin’s Foyer and Light Well, from 17 September-19 November

Click here for more information about the Autumn Lecture Series.

- Revd Richard Carter


M Ward - For Beginners.

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