Saturday, 12 May 2018

Christian Aid Week: Together we're stronger than storms

At this week’s Bread for the World Eucharist at St Martin-in-the-Fields, the International Committee shared resources and themes for Christian Aid Week including the story of Marcelin, who lost his home in 2016 when Hurricane Matthew tore through Haiti. Marcelin and his three teenage daughters are now living in a 2x2m block of concrete.

As part of considering how we respond in Christian Aid Week, we wrote prayers during the service which included the following:

  • May God’s love surround and protect you. May you receive help from unexpected people and places. The love God will never leave you.
  • Where there is life, there is always hope, so never give up on hope. The cross becomes a fruit-bearing tree for the whole human family.
  • Your courage is amazing. May you know God’s love from the work of your brothers and sisters both near and far. We are all part of one body and we all need each other.
  • Life is unfair; Jesus did not deserve to suffer. Neither do you! We can’t help everybody, but that is no reason not to help anybody.
  • May you find safety, shelter and succour so that you can live your life in peace and thanksgiving.

For more than 70 years, with the help of their amazing supporters and partners, Christian Aid has been helping change the lives of people, of all faiths and none, living in poverty around the world. They tackle the root causes of poverty so that women, men and children the world over are strengthened against future knocks. And if disasters, like storms and hurricanes, happen, they get people the help they want straight away. This Christian Aid Week, they want to build homes that will last and help families, like those in Haiti facing regular hurricanes, to weather future storms.


Nanci Griffith & Eric Taylor - Storms.

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