Saturday, 7 April 2018

Chaiya Art Awards: Where is God in our 21st century world?

Chaiya Art Awards are the UK’s newest theme based biennial art award with a top prize of £10,000.

This year’s awards are being held at London’s prestigious gallery@oxo located on the busy South Bank Riverside and celebrate inspiring art on the first intriguing theme: Where is God in our 21st century world?

This curated and juried exhibition of painting, sculpture and video by more than 40 artists is for the curious and open-minded, for people of all faiths and none. It is bursting with richness and diversity, vulnerability and exploration, colour and fragility, treasure and beauty.

The Chaiya Art Awards showcases some of the most innovative and exciting artists looking to continue this age old conversation through different mediums, in a modern setting through contemporary eyes, The Chaiya Art Awards exhibition offers the opportunity to view and buy beautiful and stimulating art that is often difficult to find on display elsewhere.

The Chaiya Art Awards themed exhibition is on at Oxo Tower Wharf until 8 April 2018, open 11am – 6pm daily.

The accompanying hardback book to the Chaiya Art Awards exhibition "Where is God in our 21st Century World?" features 60+ featured artists care about our world and the life it sustains. Their persistent probing to find meaning and understanding through what they create is hugely important to us all. Does God exist? If He is real, where is He and what does He have to offer? Be inspired and challenged by a multitude of original and provocative responses that will draw you further into the mystery of just where is God in our 21st-century world.


Switchfoot - The Day I Found God.

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