Saturday, 28 April 2018

Beyond: Art from the Edge

BEYOND is an opportunity for people to explore spirituality through a variety of creative approaches.

The aims of BEYOND are:
  • To help people to a deeper understanding of spirituality through the arts and other creative activities.
  • To explore non-traditional ways of being Christian.
  • To be a resource for church people who wish to further explore their relationship with God.
Using art, poetry, philosophy and theology, BEYOND curates provocative spaces in order to inspire and stimulate discussion.The installations and events create environments for questions and grappling with ideas about God without signing up to an established line of dogmatic thought.

6th May sees the launch of their ART FROM THE EDGE exhibition as part of the Brighton Artists Open House festival. The sub-title to this evening event is 'a spiritual private view', and it will be a chance to view the art along with some reflections and meditations inspired by this work and the situations of the artists involved.

ART FROM THE EDGE is an exhibition featuring work from and about the marginalised of society. St Luke's Prestonville hosts drop-ins for homeless and various recovery groups and the artworks on display will be work created by people from these groups or by artists working with them. This exhibition will be an eclectic mix of styles and formats and will give a glimpse into the world of those in our society who are often seen as being excluded or unable to contribute.

The image above is a pointillist sketch in ballpoint pen created by Richard Fletcher which will be on display with other examples of his work.


Michael Kiwanuka - Tell Me A Tale.

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