Thursday, 8 March 2018

HeartEdge Churches & Commerce event



HeartEdge's Churches & Commerce event was a day to explore the benefits of commercial activities for churches (including social enterprise).

Many churches struggle to cover the costs of their buildings and the ministry needed in their area. Finding other sources of income in addition to congregational giving can help significantly and can also extend the church’s engagement in God’s mission. ‘Churches & Commerce’ was for anyone interested in making churches sustainable in their mission.

This event at St Martin in the Bull Ring enabled participants to hear from people for whom commercial activities, including social enterprises, are making a real difference, not only to their church finances but also to their wider mission.

Allyson Hargreaves told the story of St Martin-in-the-Fields in regard to commerce. Within her telling of our story, Allyson highlighted support structures at different stages of development and issues regarding the balancing of commerce and mission. Richard Frazer, Minister at Greyfriars Kirk, shared his thoughts on approaches to a theology for entrepreneurs and Richard Higginson, Director of Faith in Business, shared results of research with 50 UK Christian entrepreneurs from a variety of business sectors.

Representatives of Anthony Collins Solicitors, Cinnamon Network, Grassmarket Community Project (recently named Social Enterprise of the Year in Scotland), Jericho Foundation, Mindful Business ServicesNexGen Marketing Ltd, Salt Business Network, and The Bridge at Waterloo shared insights and expertise in relation to: Digital Futures, Legal Structures, Marketing, Outsourcing, Partnership projects, Scaling up, Values and Wood recycling. 

Delegates had travelled from as far afield as Aberdeen and Chatham for what proved to be a day full of ideas, inspiration and information. Find out more about HeartEdge at


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