Thursday, 22 March 2018

Exploring the theology of HeartEdge

HeartEdge held an event at St Martin-in-the-Fields this week where a selection of HeartEdge branded books were launched. Andy Goodliff interviewed Sam Wells on themes addressed within ‘For Good: The Church and the Future of Welfare’, 'Incarnational Mission', ‘Who Is My Neighbour? The Global and Personal Challenge’ and ‘Liturgy on the Edge: Pastoral and Attractional Worship’. 

In recent months, a series of books have been published by Sam, often in collaboration, with others which set out key aspects of the theology that informs the design and practice of HeartEdge. As a result, several of these books carry the HeartEdge logo. These are books which speak into key issues and situations of our time in ways that have been described as timely, valuable and courageous. They are commended to us as richly challenging, deeply engaging and as being outstanding guides. Exploring their themes tonight therefore promises to be enriching on many levels.

Guiding us in our exploration of themes from the books was Andy Goodliff, the Minister at Belle Vue Baptist Church in Southend-on-Sea. Belle Vue were among the first churches to join HeartEdge and Andy subsequently explained the reasoning behind that decision in an article published by Baptist Times. In the article, Andy said that ‘HeartEdge feels different, in that it is practical theology, where the theology is not just a veneer, but running right through it.’ His interview with Sam enabled discussion of the theology that underpins the support and networking which HeartEdge offers, as well as providing the opportunity to listen to Sam talk about the theology of “Being With.”

A video of this interview can be viewed by clicking here.

“Who is my Neighbour?” The Global and Personal Challenge will have a further launch at St Martin's on 21 May at 7.00pm when Sam will chair an exciting panel discussion with Rabbi Shulamit AmbaluDr Megan WarnerRevd Richard Carter and Sam Ahmad Ziaee (who will tell the story of his journey aged 16 from Afghanistan to the UK). “This richly challenging and deeply engaging book merits careful consideration at a time when fear of the “other” threatens to overwhelm us. In simple terms its theme is migration but actually it’s about being human.” The Rt Revd Adrian Newman Bishop of Stepney. “This brilliant book addresses one of the most urgent questions of our time: how to welcome the strangers who come seeking a home with us.” Timothy Radcliffe. The event is free and open to all. Copies of the book will be on sale at £10. The Eventbrite link is

HeartEdge is a growing ecumenical network of churches and other organisations which are contributing to God's mission in the world by ministry with diverse, inclusive congregations that combines compassionate activities, commercial activities and cultural programming. HeartEdge members see all of these as missional and aim to integrate all four for maximum impact.

HeartEdge has been initiated by St Martin-in-the-Fields and the 4C's form the mission model that has been used here for the past 30 years. It is a model that is used by or which makes sense of the mission and ministry of churches throughout the UK and beyond. For that reason, churches Aberdeen to Amsterdam, Bristol to Birmingham, and all points in between including Dunfermline, Edinburgh, Hull, London, Norwich, Rochdale, Shoeburyness, Swaffham and Utrecht, among others, have already joined the network.

In addition to the Book Launch, HeartEdge has recently organised a well attended day on Churches & Commerce at St Martin in the Bull Ring and last week ran a consultancy day for HeartEdge member All Saints Hertford exploring options for developing their existing ministry. For Consultancy Days we gather a small hand-picked team of people from member churches to visit a specific church for a day, spending the morning seeing and hearing about their ministry, buildings and context, before using the afternoon to share stories of relevant experience and thoughtshower ideas and approaches which may be of use within that context. The church was grateful for the time and input of the HeartEdge group, all of whom added real value.There seemed to be several points during the afternoon at which ‘lights were coming on’ for particular people or for the church group as a whole, together with a range of ideas and responses that also emerged from the day. Further consultancy days are being planned for churches in Bristol, Redruth and Southwark.


Carolyn Arends - Seize The Day.

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