Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Just As I Am: A weekend of events on Disability and Church

Just As I Am
Saturday 14 October – Sunday 15 October 2017

A weekend of events to mark our 6th annual conference on Disability and Church, a partnership between St Martin-in-the-Fields and Inclusive Church.

Just As I Am: Living Theology
Saturday 14 October, 10.30am – 4.30pm
St Martin’s Hall

What does it mean to be disabled, and what might that say about God? Do our stories tell us something of God’s story? Are we living theology?

Through plenary talks and working in small groups, with a silent space and a marketplace, we explore the ideas arising from our experience and consider how we can resource each other and the Church. Organised by and for disabled people, supporters and those with an interest in disability. Speakers to be announced.

Cost: £20/£10 concessions
Registration: www.inclusive-church.org/disability-conference. Spaces are limited.

Just As I Am: Eucharist and Healing Service
Sunday 15 October, 10.00am – 11.30am

A special liturgy for St Luke’s Day which reflects the weekend’s themes, written by members of St Martin’s Disability Advisory Group and Healing Team. The service includes the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, accompanied by prayers for healing – for yourself, someone else or the wider world. All are welcome.

Just As I Am: Summer in the Forest
Sunday 15 October, 2.00pm – 4.30pm
St Martin’s Hall

A special screening of this feature-length documentary film. Summer in the Forest follows the life of the L’Arche community in Trosly, France, where people with learning difficulties and those who support them have found what it truly means to be human. We are delighted to be joined by filmmakers and others to share their experience, and invite us to consider the ideas raised.

Registration: https://justasiam-summerintheforest.eventbrite.co.uk

Tickets are free with a retiring collection to cover costs – suggested donation £5.



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