Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Alexander de Cadenet, Awakened Artists, & Ekhart Tolle

Awakened Artists is an international community of artists whose artwork offers access to a deeper dimension of existence and contributes towards the evolution of consciousness.

This new web-site has been launched as a platform for specially invited artists whose work has a spiritual direction. The site was launched featuring both the artworks of Alexander de Cadenet and desert artist David C Greene's wonderful paintings of the desert under the light of the moon and stars. It is intended to build a community of artists who share a love of art that explores and gives access to a deeper, spiritual dimension of life. If you would like to be considered for inclusion on the site email Alexander de Cadenet at

In September 2016, de Cadenet was invited to meet with Eckhart Tolle, in his home town of Vancouver to explore his perspective on the relationship between art and the spiritual dimension. Together they explored how this relates to Eckhart’s own practice as the one of the world's foremost spiritual teachers and an amateur photographer. It was a joyful, life enhancing encounter, filled with profound insights into the deeper, spiritual dimension of art and the mysteries of creativity. Part 1 has been published in Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine in the May issue and Part 2, with an exclusive featuring of Eckhart's photos, will be published in a later issue. Copies of the magazine can be purchased here -

Here is a short extract from Part 1 of the interview:

"Beauty arises when something more essential or deeper, something that underlies the world of sense perception shines through. It is what I call the ‘underlying Intelligence’ that is the organizing principle behind the world of form, a hidden harmony, as it were. To use more traditional language, it belongs to the realm of the transcendent, the realm of the divine, if you want to call it that". Eckhart Tolle


Jeff Buckley & Elizabeth Fraser - All Flowers In Time Bend Towards The Sun.

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