Monday, 13 March 2017

First HeartEdge Mailer

The first HeartEdge Mailer was sent today. We plan to hand deliver one of these into email inboxes of those on our mailing list, about this time, each month. Each mailer includes:
  • HeartEdge update – useful news from HeartEdge members, dates etc
  • Links to a useful article or two – and helpful stories and resources
  • A note from Revd Dr Sam Wells, and occasional guests
We’re all busy. So, we want to make this useful and inspiring. Hope you enjoy!

Keynote: “At that point we realise what we’re really about…”

At St Martin-in-the-Fields we have a limited company, and once a year we have a board awayday. We really need to raise income, not least because making a commitment to pay the London Living Wage has put quite a hole in our balance sheet.
Because the costs of doing anything in central London are so high, there comes a moment in any discussion about a new income source when someone says, ‘Wouldn’t in just be cheaper to rent out the room?’ And at that point we realise what we’re really about here. We employ all our own staff – we only outsource the cleaning, IT and security. We don’t just do whatever makes the most money. We’re trying to become an exemplary organisation – paying people properly, listening to their needs and concerns – but also developing a house style of how we do and think and talk about church and mission and business and music and everything else.

What we’re trying to do is to foster a conversation about precisely these kinds of challenges. How to keep our focus on the kingdom when there are so many ways to get distracted. How to keep our team broad and diverse, amid all the pressure to work only with people who think the way we do. How to keep going when the last five ideas got nowhere. Who to look up to and imitate when it feels you’re ploughing a lone furrow.

We want you to be part of that conversation of humility and wisdom, or energy and experience, of vision and practicalities. As we walk together, we believe we shall feel our hearts on fire just as did the disciples on the evening of the resurrection that inspires all our attempts at resurrection.

Revd Dr Sam Wells

Launch event findings

During the afternoon of our launch in February we invited you talk about assets in your church to support mission, then repeat and locate the obstacles. We’ve written up the findings from a fascinating 45 minutes discussion – you can find them here… Lots to help us steer by.


Switchfoot - When We Come Alive.

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