Sunday, 16 October 2016

The story of a journey from the centre to the edge

Donald Eadie spoke on film for Prophets & Seers: Calling from the Edge, the 2016 Disability Conference at St Martin-in-the-Fields, organised as a partnership between St Martin's and Inclusive Church.

In recent years Donald has lived with a serious spinal condition which forced him to retire early as Chair of the Birmingham District of the Methodist Church. He has often been in the firing line for advocating justice and respect between people of all faith, women and men, gay and straight people. He is a much consulted Methodist minister, retreat leader and author.

Donald said: 

'We bring our discovery of bread on the edge and wells of water under our feet, in desert and destitution as did both Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-7) and the slave girl Hagar before us. (Genesis 21: 8-20) Consecrated food from heaven is not confined to lie under white cloths in our Churches. We bring these gifts and many others, not as victims but as liberators.

I have come with a story of a journey, from the centre to the edge, of making connections between our experience of body and the body of Christ, and of receiving threatening gifts which could transform.'

He asked us: 'What does the journey toward transformation through vulnerability mean in your situation? What are your stories of frightening liberation?'


Julie Miller - Broken Things.

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